Charmed Grafana (grafana-k8s
) is a charm for
This charm imposes configurable resource limits on the workload, can be readily integrated with various data sources such as prometheus or loki, automatically generates topology dropdowns, and comes with built-in alert rules for self-monitoring.
It is an essential part of the COS Lite bundle.
The Grafana Operator may be deployed on a Kubernetes Juju model using the command line via:
juju deploy grafana-k8s
At install time, Grafana does not contain any data sources or dashboards, but
Prometheus is commonly used, and is
deployable with Juju. The Grafana Operator may also accept additional
datasources over Juju relations with charms which support the
interface, such as Loki
log visualization.
For example:
juju deploy prometheus-k8s
juju relate prometheus-k8s grafana-k8s
The Grafana Operator includes a Charm library which may be used by other Charms
to easily provide datasources. Currently, Prometheus and Loki are tested, with
datasource integration built into those charms, but any Grafana datasource
which does not require the addition of a plugin should be supported. See the
documentation for the charms.grafana_k8s.v0.grafana_source
to learn more.
The Grafana dashboard may be accessed on port 3000
on the IP address of the
Grafana unit.
This unit and its IP address can be retrieved using the juju status
The default password is randomized at first install, and can be retrieved with:
juju run grafana-k8s/0 get-admin-password # juju >=3
JUJU_FEATURES=actions-v2 juju run grafana-k8s/0 get-admin-password # juju 2
View the dashboard in a browser:
juju status
to check the IP of the running Grafana applicationhttp://IP_ADDRESS:3000
, and the password you got from the
action.To manually set the admin password, see the official docs.
Additionally, Grafana can be accessed via the Kubernetes service matching the Juju application name in the namespace matching the Juju model's name.
The grafana-k8s charm does not support directly relating to Reactive charms
over the dashboards
interface, and it does not support adding dashboards via
an action similar to the Reactive Grafana Charm
as a design goal. For scenarios where Reactive charms which provide dashboards
should be integrated, the COS Proxy charm can
be deployed in a Reactive model, and related to grafana-k8s to provide a
migration path.
Dashboards which are not bundled as part of a charm can be added to grafana-k8s
with the COS Config Charm, which
can keep a git repository holding your infrastructure-as-code configuration.
See the COS Config
documentation for more information.
See the documentation for the
library. Generally, this only requires adding a grafana-dashboard
to your charm and putting the dashboard templates into a configurable path.
This charm is written to support a high-availability Grafana cluster, but a database relation is required (MySQL or Postgresql).
If HA is not required, there is no need to add a database relation.
NOTE: HA should not be considered for production use.
grafana_datasource - An input for grafana-k8s datasources
grafana_dashboard - an input for LZMA compressed base64 encoded dashboard data
This charm is periodically updated to the latest version of the ubuntu/grafana image.
See the Juju SDK docs for guidelines on configuring a development environment and best practices for authoring.