canonical / identity-platform-login-ui

Login UI for the Canonical identity broker and identity provider solution
Apache License 2.0
9 stars 6 forks source link

Identity Platform Login UI

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GitHub Release Go Reference

This is the UI for the Canonical Identity Platform.

Running the UI


To create a binary with the UI you need to run:

make npm-build build

Please don't run them in parallel, build requires the target cmd/ui/dist which, unless the js code has been build independently, requires npm-build If you want to skip the npm-build make sure the js artifacts are in the ui/dist folder (check the Makefile for more advanced information).

This will:

PORT=<port number> ./cmd/app

Environment variables

Code dealing with the environment variables resides in here where each attribute has an annotation which is the lowercase of the environment variable name.

At the moment the application is sourcing the following from the environment:


To build the UI OCI image, you need rockcraft. To install rockcraft run:

sudo snap install rockcraft --channel=latest/edge --classic

To build the image:

rockcraft pack

In order to run the produced image with docker:

# Import the image to Docker
sudo /snap/rockcraft/current/bin/skopeo --insecure-policy \
    copy oci-archive:./identity-platform-login-ui_0.1_amd64.rock \
# Run the image
docker run -d \
  -it \
  --rm \
  -p 8080:8080 \
  --name login-ui \
  localhost:32000/identity-platform-login-ui:registry start login-ui

Try it out

To try the identity-platform login UI, you can use the docker-compose.yml.

Please install docker and docker-compose.

You need to have a registered GitHub OAuth application to use for logging in. To register a GitHub OAuth application:

1) Go to The application name and homepage URL do not matter, but the Authorization callback URL must be http://localhost:4433/self-service/methods/oidc/callback/github. 2) Generate a client secret 3) Create a file called .env on the root of the repository and paste your client credentials:


From the root folder of the repository, run the docker-compose:

docker compose up

To test the authorization code flow you can use the Ory Hydra CLI:

To install the Ory Hydra CLI follow the instructions.

code_client=$(hydra create client \
  --endpoint http://localhost:4445 \
  --name grafana \
  --grant-type authorization_code,refresh_token \
  --response-type code \
  --format json \
  --scope openid,offline_access,email,profile \
  --redirect-uri \
  --audience app_client \
hydra perform authorization-code \
  --endpoint http://localhost:4444 \
  --client-id `echo "$code_client" | yq .client_id` \
  --client-secret  `echo "$code_client" | yq .client_secret` \
  --scope openid,profile,email,offline_access