canonical / ofga

A wrapper library over the default OpenFGA client, packed with convenience methods for interacting with OpenFGA instances.
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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ofga is a wrapper library for conveniently interacting with OpenFGA instances.

OpenFGA is an open-source Fine-Grained Authorization (FGA) solution that provides a framework and set of tools for implementing fine-grained access control and permission management in applications.

This Go library builds upon the default OpenFGA client by providing a more convenient and streamlined interface. It simplifies common interactions with OpenFGA instances, offering an alternative API that implements a commonly-used set of opinionated operations.

Why ofga?


  1. Install the library using the following command:

        go get -u
  2. Import the library in your code:

        import ""
  3. Create a new ofga client and handle any errors:

    ctx = context.Background()
    // Create a new ofga client
    client, err := ofga.NewClient(ctx, ofga.OpenFGAParams{
        Scheme:      os.Getenv("OPENFGA_API_SCHEME"),    // defaults to `https` if not specified.
        Host:        os.Getenv("OPENFGA_API_HOST"),
        Port:        os.Getenv("OPENFGA_API_PORT"),
        Token:       os.Getenv("SECRET_TOKEN"),           // Optional, based on the OpenFGA instance configuration.
        StoreID:     os.Getenv("OPENFGA_STORE_ID"),      // Required only when connecting to a pre-existing store.
        AuthModelID: os.Getenv("OPENFGA_AUTH_MODEL_ID"),  // Required only when connecting to a pre-existing auth model.
    if err != nil {
        // Handle error
  4. Use the client to interact with OpenFGA instances based on your requirements. For example:

    err = client.AddRelation(ctx, ofga.Tuple{
        Object:   &ofga.Entity{Kind: "user", ID: "123"},
        Relation: "editor",
        Target:   &ofga.Entity{Kind: "document", ID: "ABC"},
    if err != nil {
        // Handle error
  5. Use the client to check for relations:

    allowed, err = client.CheckRelation(ctx, ofga.Tuple{
        Object:   &ofga.Entity{Kind: "user", ID: "123"},
        Relation: "viewer",
        Target:   &ofga.Entity{Kind: "document", ID: "ABC"},
    if err != nil {
        // Handle error
    if !allowed {
        // Permission denied
    ... // Perform action


The documentation for this package can be found on


If you encounter any issues or have suggestions for improvements, please open an issue on the GitHub repository.


Canonical Commercial Systems Team