canonical / sphinx-docs-starter-pack

A documentation starter-pack
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Documentation starter pack

A pre-configured repository to build and publish documentation with Sphinx.

The Documentation starter pack includes:

Quickstart guide

An initial set of documentation can be built directly from a clone of this repository.

First, clone this repository to a local directory, and change to this directory:

.. code-block:: sh

git clone cd

Now build the documentation with the following command. This will create a virtual environment, install the software dependencies, and build the documentation:

.. code-block:: sh

make run

Keep this session running to rebuild the documentation automatically whenever a file is saved, and open ||_ in a web browser to see the locally built and hosted HTML.

To add a new page to the documentation, create a new document called reference.rst in a text editor and insert the following reST-formatted Reference heading:

.. code-block:: rest


Now save reference.rst and open index.rst.

At the bottom of this file, add an indented line containing ``Reference

`` to the end of the ``toctree`` section. This is the navigation title for the new document and its filename without the ``.rst`` extension. The ``toctree`` section will now look like this: .. code-block:: rest .. toctree:: :hidden: :maxdepth: 2 ReadMe Reference Save ``index.rst`` and reload ||_. The documentation will now show **Reference** added to the navigation and selecting this will open the new ``reference.rst`` document. Contents -------- The remainder of this README is divided into two main parts: *Enable the starter pack* and *Work with your documentation* post-enablement. - `Enable the starter pack`_ * `Initialise your repository`_ + `Standalone documentation repository`_ + `Documentation in a code repository`_ + `Automation`_ * `Build the documentation`_ * `Configure the documentation`_ + `Configure the header`_ + `Activate/deactivate feedback button`_ + `Configure included extensions`_ + `Add custom configuration`_ + `Add Python packages`_ + `Add page-specific configuration`_ * `Change log`_ - `Work with your documentation`_ * `Install prerequisite software`_ * `View the documentation`_ * `Local checks`_ + `Local build`_ + `Spelling check`_ + `Inclusive language check`_ + `Accessibility check`_ + `Link check`_ * `Configure the spelling check`_ * `Configure the inclusive language check`_ * `Configure the accessibility check`_ * `Configure the link check`_ * `Add redirects`_ * `Other resources`_ Enable the starter pack ----------------------- This section is for repository administrators. It shows how to initialise a repository with the starter pack. Once this is done, documentation contributors should follow section `Work with your documentation`_. **Note:** After setting up your repository with the starter pack, you need to track the changes made to it and manually update your repository with the required files. The `change log `_ lists the most relevant (and of course all breaking) changes. We're planning to provide the contents of this repository as an installable package in the future to make updates easier. See the `Read the Docs at Canonical `_ and `How to publish documentation on Read the Docs `_ guides for instructions on how to get started with Sphinx documentation. Initialise your repository ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You can either create a standalone documentation project based on this repository or include the files from this repository in a dedicated documentation folder in an existing code repository. The next two sections show the steps needed for each scenario. See the `Automation`_ section if you would like to have this done via a shell script. Standalone documentation repository ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ To create a standalone documentation repository, clone this starter pack repository, `update the configuration <#configure-the-documentation>`_, and then commit all files to the documentation repository. You don't need to move any files, and you don't need to do any special configuration on Read the Docs. Here is one way to do this for newly-created fictional docs repository ``canonical/alpha-docs``: .. code-block:: none git clone alpha-docs cd alpha-docs rm -rf .git rm -f .github/workflows/sphinx-python-dependency-build-checks.yml git init git branch -m main UPDATE THE CONFIGURATION AND BUILD THE DOCS git add -A git commit -m "Import sphinx-docs-starter-pack" git remote add upstream git push -f upstream main Documentation in a code repository ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ To add documentation to an existing code repository: #. Create a directory called :file:`docs` at the root of the code repository. #. Populate the above directory with the contents of the starter pack repository (with the exception of the :file:`.git` directory). #. Copy the :file:`docs/.github/workflows/automatic-doc-checks.yml` file into the :file:`.github/workflows` directory in the root of the code repository. #. In the above workflow file(s), change the value of the :file:`working-directory` field from ``.`` to ``docs``. #. Create a symbolic link to the :file:`docs/.wokeignore` file from the root directory of the code repository. #. In the :file:`docs/.readthedocs.yaml` file, set the following: * ``post_checkout: cd docs && python3 .sphinx/`` * ``configuration: docs/`` * ``requirements: docs/.sphinx/requirements.txt`` **Note:** When configuring RTD itself for your project, the setting \"Path for ``.readthedocs.yaml``\" (under **Advanced Settings**) will need to be given the value of ``docs/.readthedocs.yaml``. Automation ^^^^^^^^^^ To automate the initialisation for either scenario ensure you have the following: - A GitHub repository where you want to host your documentation, cloned to your local machine. The recommended approach is to host the documentation alongside your code in a :file:`docs` folder. But a standalone documentation repository is also an option; in this case, start with an empty repository. - Git and Bash installed on your system. There is a provided :file:`` Bash script that does the following: - Clones the starter pack GitHub repository. - Creates the specified installation directory (if necessary). - Updates working directory paths in workflow files, and updates configuration paths in the :file:`.readthedocs.yaml` file. - Copies and moves contents and :file:`.github` files from the starter pack to the installation directory. - Deletes the cloned repository when it\'s done. To use the script: #. Copy ```` to your repository\'s root directory. #. Run the script: ``./``. #. Enter the installation directory when prompted. For standalone repositories, enter ``.``. For documentation alongside code, enter the folder where your documentation is (e.g. ``docs``). When the script completes, review all changes before committing them. Build the documentation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The documentation needs to be built before publication. This is explained in more detail in section `Local checks`_ (for contributors), but at this time you should verify a successful build. Run the following commands from where your doc files were placed (repository root or the ``docs`` directory): .. code-block:: none make install make html Build a PDF ^^^^^^^^^^^ Build a PDF locally with the following command: .. code-block:: none make pdf PDF generation requires some system files. If these files are not found, a prompt will be presented and the generation will stop. On Linux, required packages can be installed with: .. code-block:: none make pdf-prep-force .. note:: When generating a PDF, the index page is considered a 'foreword' and will not be labelled with a chapter. .. important:: When generating a PDF, it is important to not use additional headings before a ``toctree``. Documents referenced by the ``toctree`` will be nested under any provided headings. A ``rubric`` directive can be combined with the ``h2`` class to provide a heading styled rubric in the HTML output. See the default ``index.rst`` for an example. Rubric based headings will not be included as an entry in the table of contents or side navigation. Configure the documentation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You must modify some of the default configuration to suit your project. To simplify keeping your documentation in sync with the starter pack, all custom configuration is located in the ```` file. You should never modify the common ```` file. Go through all settings in the ``Project information`` section of the ```` file and update them for your project. See the following sections for further customisation. Configure the header ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ By default, the header contains your product tag, product name (taken from the ``project`` setting in the ```` file), a link to your product page, and a drop-down menu for "More resources" that contains links to Discourse and GitHub. You can change any of those links or add further links to the "More resources" drop-down by editing the ``.sphinx/_templates/header.html`` file. For example, you might want to add links to announcements, tutorials, getting started guides, or videos that are not part of the documentation. Activate/deactivate feedback button ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ A feedback button is included by default, which appears at the top of each page in the documentation. It redirects users to your GitHub issues page, and populates an issue for them with details of the page they were on when they clicked the button. If your project does not use GitHub issues, set the ``github_issues`` variable in the ```` file to an empty value to disable both the feedback button and the issue link in the footer. If you want to deactivate only the feedback button, but keep the link in the footer, set ``disable_feedback_button`` in the ```` file to ``True``. Configure included extensions ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The starter pack includes a set of extensions that are useful for all documentation sets. They are pre-configured as needed, but you can customise their configuration in the ```` file. The following extensions are always included: - |sphinx-design|_ - |sphinx_copybutton|_ - |sphinxcontrib.jquery|_ The following extensions will automatically be included based on the configuration in the ```` file: - |sphinx_tabs.tabs|_ - |sphinx_reredirects|_ - |sphinxext.opengraph|_ - |lxd-sphinx-extensions|_ (``youtube-links``, ``related-links``, ``custom-rst-roles``, and ``terminal-output``) - |myst_parser|_ - |notfound.extension|_ You can add further extensions in the ``custom_extensions`` variable in ````. If the extensions need specific Python packages, add those to the ``custom_required_modules`` variable. Add custom configuration ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ To add custom configurations for your project, see the ``Additions to default configuration`` and ``Additional configuration`` sections in the ```` file. These can be used to extend or override the common configuration, or to define additional configuration that is not covered by the common ```` file. The following links can help you with additional configuration: - `Sphinx configuration`_ - `Sphinx extensions`_ - `Furo documentation`_ (Furo is the Sphinx theme we use as our base.) Add Python packages ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ If you need additional Python packages for any custom processing you do in your documentation, add them to the ``custom_required_modules`` variable in ````. If you use these packages inside of ````, you will encounter a circular dependency (see issue `#197`_). To work around this problem, add a step that installs the packages to the ``.readthedocs.yaml`` file: .. code-block:: yaml ... jobs: pre_install: - pip install - python3 .sphinx/ ... In addition, override the ``ADDPREREQS`` variable in the Makefile with the names of the packages. For example:: make html ADDPREREQS='' Add page-specific configuration ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ You can override some global configuration for specific pages. For example, you can configure whether to display Previous/Next buttons at the bottom of pages in the ```` file. You can then override this default setting for a specific page (for example, to turn off the Previous/Next buttons by default, but display them in a multi-page tutorial). To do so, add `file-wide metadata`_ at the top of a page. See the following examples for how to enable Previous/Next buttons for one page: reST .. code-block:: :sequential_nav: both [Page contents] MyST .. code-block:: --- sequential_nav: both --- [Page contents] Possible values for the ``sequential_nav`` field are ``none``, ``prev``, ``next``, and ``both``. See the ```` file for more information. Another example for page-specific configuration is the ``hide-toc`` field (provided by `Furo `_), which can be used to hide the page-internal table of content. See `Hiding Contents sidebar`_. Change log ~~~~~~~~~~ See the `change log `_ for a list of relevant changes to the starter pack. Work with your documentation ---------------------------- This section is for documentation contributors. It assumes that the current repository has been initialised with the starter pack as described in section `Enable the starter pack`_. There are make targets defined in the :file:`Makefile` that provide different functionality. To get started, we will: * install prerequisite software * view the documentation Install prerequisite software ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Before you start, make sure you have ``make``, ``python3``, ``python3-venv``, and ``python3-pip`` on your system: .. code-block:: none sudo apt update sudo apt install make python3 python3-venv python3-pip Some `validation tools <#local-checks>`_ won't be available by default. To install them, you need ``snap`` and ``npm``: .. code-block:: none sudo apt install npm snapd To install the core prerequisites: .. code-block:: none make install This will create the required software list (``.sphinx/requirements.txt``), which is used to create a virtual environment (``.sphinx/venv``) and install dependency software within it. To install the validation tools: .. code-block:: none make woke-install make pa11y-install You can add further Python modules to the required software list (``.sphinx/requirements.txt``) in the ``custom_required_modules`` variable in the ```` file. **Note**: By default, the starter pack uses the latest compatible version of all tools and does not pin its requirements. This might change temporarily if there is an incompatibility with a new tool version. There is therefore no need in using a tool like Renovate to automatically update the requirements. View the documentation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To view the documentation: .. code-block:: none make run This will perform several actions: * activate the virtual environment * build the documentation * serve the documentation on **** * rebuild the documentation each time a file is saved * send a reload page signal to the browser when the documentation is rebuilt The ``run`` target is therefore very convenient when preparing to submit a change to the documentation. .. note:: If you encounter the error ``locale.Error: unsupported locale setting`` when activating the Python virtual environment, include the environment variable in the command and try again: ``LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 make run`` Local checks ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Before committing and pushing changes, it's a good practice to run various checks locally to catch issues early in the development process. Local build ^^^^^^^^^^^ Run a clean build of the docs to surface any build errors that would occur in RTD: .. code-block:: none make clean-doc make html Spelling check ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Ensure there are no spelling errors in the documentation: .. code-block:: shell make spelling Inclusive language check ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Ensure the documentation uses inclusive language: .. code-block:: shell make woke Accessibility check ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Look for accessibility issues in rendered documentation: .. code-block:: shell make pa11y Link check ^^^^^^^^^^ Validate links within the documentation: .. code-block:: shell make linkcheck Style guide linting ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Check documentation against the `Vale documentation linter configured with the current style guide `_. .. code-block:: shell make vale Vale can run against individual files, directories, or globs. To set a specific target: .. code-block:: shell make vale TARGET=example.file make vale TARGET=example-directory .. note:: Running Vale against a directory will also run against subfolders. To run against all files with a specific extension within a folder: .. code-block:: shell make vale TARGET=*.md .. note:: Wildcards can be used to run against all files matching a string, or an extension. The example above will match against all :code:`.md` files, and :code:`TARGET=doc*` will match both :code:`` and :code:``. To disable Vale linting within individual files, specific markup can be used. For Markdown: .. code-block:: This text will be ignored by Vale. For reStructuredText: .. code-block:: .. vale off This text will be ignored by Vale. .. vale on Configure the spelling check ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The spelling check uses ``aspell``. Its configuration is located in the ``.sphinx/spellingcheck.yaml`` file. To add exceptions for words flagged by the spelling check, edit the ``.custom_wordlist.txt`` file. You shouldn't edit ``.wordlist.txt``, because this file is maintained and updated centrally and contains words that apply across all projects. Configure the inclusive language check ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ By default, the inclusive language check is applied only to reST files located under the documentation directory (usually ``docs``). To check Markdown files, for example, or to use a location other than the ``docs`` sub-tree, you must change how the ``woke`` tool is invoked from within ``docs/Makefile`` (see the `woke User Guide `_ for help). Inclusive language check exemptions ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Some circumstances may require you to use some non-inclusive words. In such cases you will need to create check-exemptions for them. This page provides an overview of two inclusive language check exemption methods for files written in reST format. See the `woke documentation`_ for full coverage. Exempt a word ............. To exempt an individual word, place a custom ``none`` role (defined in the ``canonical-sphinx-extensions`` Sphinx extension) anywhere on the line containing the word in question. The role syntax is: .. code-block:: none :none:`wokeignore:rule=,` For instance: .. code-block:: none This is your text. The word in question is here: whitelist. More text. :none:`wokeignore:rule=whitelist,` To exempt an element of a URL, it is recommended to use the standard reST method of placing links at the bottom of the page (or in a separate file). In this case, a comment line is placed immediately above the URL line. The comment syntax is: .. code-block:: none .. wokeignore:rule= Here is an example where a URL element contains the string "master": :none:`wokeignore:rule=master,` .. code-block:: none .. LINKS .. wokeignore:rule=master .. _link definition: You can now refer to the label ``link definition_`` in the body of the text. Exempt an entire file ..................... A more drastic solution is to make an exemption for the contents of an entire file. For example, to exempt file ``docs/foo/bar.rst`` add the following line to file ``.wokeignore``: .. code-block:: none foo/bar.rst Configure the accessibility check ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The ``pa11y.json`` file at the starter pack root provides basic defaults; to browse the available settings and options, see ``pa11y``'s `README `_ on GitHub. Configure the link check ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you have links in the documentation that you don't want to be checked (for example, because they are local links or give random errors even though they work), you can add them to the ``linkcheck_ignore`` variable in the ```` file. Add redirects ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You can add redirects to make sure existing links and bookmarks continue working when you move files around. To do so, specify the old and new paths in the ``redirects`` setting of the ```` file. Other resources ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - `Example product documentation `_ - `Example product documentation repository `_ .. LINKS .. wokeignore:rule=master .. _`Sphinx configuration`: .. wokeignore:rule=master .. _`Sphinx extensions`: .. wokeignore:rule=master .. _`file-wide metadata`: .. _`Furo documentation`: .. _`Hiding Contents sidebar`: .. _`Sphinx`: .. || replace:: ```` .. _``: .. |sphinx-design| replace:: ``sphinx-design`` .. _sphinx-design: .. |sphinx_tabs.tabs| replace:: ``sphinx_tabs.tabs`` .. _sphinx_tabs.tabs: .. |sphinx_reredirects| replace:: ``sphinx_reredirects`` .. _sphinx_reredirects: .. |lxd-sphinx-extensions| replace:: ``lxd-sphinx-extensions`` .. _lxd-sphinx-extensions: .. |sphinx_copybutton| replace:: ``sphinx_copybutton`` .. _sphinx_copybutton: .. |sphinxext.opengraph| replace:: ``sphinxext.opengraph`` .. _sphinxext.opengraph: .. |myst_parser| replace:: ``myst_parser`` .. _myst_parser: .. |sphinxcontrib.jquery| replace:: ``sphinxcontrib.jquery`` .. _sphinxcontrib.jquery: .. |notfound.extension| replace:: ``notfound.extension`` .. _notfound.extension: .. _woke documentation: .. _#197: