cantinilab / scc_reproducibility

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scConfluence reproducibility

scConfluence is a novel method for the integration of unpaired multiomics data combining uncoupled autoencoders and Inverse Optimal Transport to learn low-dimensional cell embeddings. These embeddings can then be used for visualization and clustering, useful for discovering subpopulations of cells, and for imputation of features across modalities. This is the code used to perform the experiments and generate the figures in our manuscript. If you are looking for the Python package, click here!


install the scconfluence package from Pypi:

pip install scconfluence


Downloading the data

All the data used in the paper has been formatted and can be downloaded from here. All *.h5mu.gz files should then be placed in the data folder of this repository.

Obtaining each method's outputs

To obtain the outputs of scConfluence, run the following command:

python --dataname <dataname>

<dataname> is the name of the dataset which must be one of the following:

To obtain the outputs of the baseline methods, add the --baseline flag.

python --dataname <dataname> --baseline

Similarly, to obtain the imputation results on the smFISH dataset, run the following command:

python --dataname <dataname> (--baseline)

Generating the figures

Before running any notebook, download the pickles from there and place them inside a folder entitled exp_results in the root of this directory. These files contain saved results (latent embeddings and their evaluations) of each method run with the provided configurations as the training of all methods is very long. Then run the notebooks to obtain the plots from the paper. As of now, only cell lines and benchmark plots are available. The rest will be added shortly.

Our preprint

@article {Samaran2024unpaired,
  author = {Jules Samaran and Gabriel Peyre and Laura Cantini},
  title = {scConfluence : single-cell diagonal integration with regularized Inverse Optimal Transport on weakly connected features},
  year = {2024},
  doi = {10.1101/2024.02.26.582051},
  publisher = {Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory},
  journal = {bioRxiv}