caorong / libshout-java

libshout implemention in pure java
MIT License
5 stars 2 forks source link

libshout implemention in pure java

make a great change from original libshout-java, make it can be used in pure java, without jni

but it's feature is limited, only support stream http stream and file as source and only mp3 file is supported to auto calculate buffer length, other file like ogg your should specified buffer size every second by your self




  1. relay http stream to icecast
Jlibshout jlibshout = new Jlibshout("localhost", 8030, "/jlibshout");
try {
} finally {
  1. relay mp3 file to icecast
try {
  Jlibshout jlibshout = new Jlibshout("localhost", 8030, "/jshout");
  jlibshout.pushMp3(new File("/Users/caorong/test_ffmpeg/10sec_.mp3"));
} finally {
  1. relay ogg or ther media file to icecast
try {
  Jlibshout jlibshout = new Jlibshout("localhost", 8030, "/jshout");
  InputStream mp3 = new BufferedInputStream(JlibshoutTest.class.getResourceAsStream("/test.ogg"));
  // send 4096 byte every second
  jlibshout.pushMediaFileAsStream(mp3, 4096);
} finally {