cap-md089 / evmplus-v6

The source code for the Event Manager+ suite of tools for Civil Air Patrol units
GNU General Public License v2.0
7 stars 4 forks source link

Event Manager v6

The premiere event and unit management site for Civil Air Patrol

Current units running the Event Manager suite:

  1. MD001 - Maryland Wing
  2. MD003 - Frederick Composite Squadron
  3. MD007 - Calvert Cadet Squadron
  4. MD008 - Harford Composite Squadron
  5. MD013 - Towson Composite Squadron
  6. MD023 - Arundel Composite Squadron
  7. MD028 - Col. Mary S. Feik Composite Squadron
  8. MD039 - Carroll Composite Squadron
  9. MD041 - Group 1
  10. MD042 - Group 2
  11. MD043 - Group 3
  12. MD079 - Easton Composite Squadron
  13. MD071 - Bethesda - Chevy Chase Composite Squadron
  14. MD089 - St. Mary's Composite Squadron
  15. MD091 - Mt. Airy Composite Squadron

Table Of Contents

  1. Developing EvMPlus v6
  2. Requirements for building and running
  3. Server configuration
    1. MySQL setup
    2. AWS SMTP credentials
    3. AWS DNS credentials
    4. Google keys and calendar setup
    5. A Discord bot token
    6. CAPWATCH credentials
    7. reCAPTCHA keys
    8. Client setup
  4. Using Command Line Utilities
  5. Building and running the server
    1. Creating an account and supplying it data
    2. Accessing the site
  6. Alternatively...

Developing EvMPlus v6

Development setup is now much simpler. To get a development environment, open this repository in either Visual Studio Code's dev containers extension or using a GitHub codespaces, wait for the environment to set itself up, and then in a terminal run docker-compose -f run --service-ports client_dev_server. A development web server will spin up with a basic default dataset and an admin user with the credentials testadmin/testpassword.

Requirements for building and running

In order to build and run the code for production, you will need Docker and Docker Compose installed. It is highly recommended that Docker BuildKit is used when setting up images. Code should theoretically work on Windows, but is solely tested on Linux.

Server configuration

This program depends on the following to fully function:

  1. MySQL server
  2. AWS SMTP credentials
  3. AWS DNS credentials
  4. Google keys and calendar setup
  5. A Discord bot token
  6. CAPWATCH credentials
  7. reCAPTCHA keys
  8. Client setup

Each of these sections will require creating files in the keys folder which have just the access token required. After the server is appropriately configured, you should have the following structure in the keys folder:

At the end of all of these files in ./keys, ensure that there are no newline characters at the end (with the exception of aws_ssl_keys)

Additionally, the following folders are required in the /srv folder:

  1. /srv/mysql
  2. /srv/uploads
  3. /srv/backups

MySQL setup

Create the files ./keys/db_user and ./keys/db_password. Place the text em in the db_user file. Create a new database password and place that text in the db_password file

When creating the MySQL database for the first time using docker-compose [-f] up mysql, docker-compose [-f] up main, or docker-compose up proxy, check the logs for "Generated root password" and store this root password in keys/mysql_root_password. Docker compose will complain when initially starting up; just touch the file and make sure it exists and is empty, and replace the file with the generated root password.

AWS SMTP setup

  1. Acquire AWS credentials
  2. Manage the IAM user created to allow access to SMTP
  3. Store the AWS credentials in ./keys/aws_access_key_id and ./keys/aws_secret_access_key

AWS DNS setup

Only required for setting up SSL keys for HTTPS traffic as opposed to HTTP traffic

  1. Acquire AWS credentials
  2. Manage IAM user created to allow access to DNS
  3. Store the AWS crednetials in ./keys/aws_ssl_keys according to the documentation

Google setup

  1. Service account setup
    1. Go to the Google Cloud console
    2. Create a new project
    3. In the navigation menu, go to 'APIs & Services' -> 'Library'
    4. Find the Google Calendar API, and enable it
    5. In the navigation menu, go to 'IAM & Admin' -> 'Service accounts'
    6. Click 'Create service account' at the top
    7. Give it a name, and give it 'Project Owner' as a role
    8. Don't grant access to any users
    9. Back at the 'Service accounts' page, in the actions menu on the right, click 'Create key'
    10. Select JSON
    11. Save this to the ./keys/google-keys directory
      • Be sure to name it according to the following format: ${accountID}.json, where accountID is the ID of the account you will be creating later
  2. Google calendar setup
    1. Create a Google calendar
    2. On the calendar, add the service account from before with the ability to 'Manage Events and Sharing'
    3. Copy the ID of this Google calendar, it will be needed for the account setup step later

Discord bot setup

  1. Create a bot and get its token.
  2. After creating the bot, set up permissions
    1. On the 'Bot' page of the application, check 'Presence Intent' and 'Server Members Intent'
    2. On the 'OAuth2' page of the application, select 'bot' and 'applications.commands'. For the bot permissions that show up, check 'Administrator'. Save the link that shows up
  3. Add the bot to a development Discord server by using the OAuth2 link generated in the previous step
  4. Store the bot token created in step 1 in the ./keys/discord_client_token file

CAPWATCH Credentials

  1. Request CAPWATCH download permissions
  2. Store the ORGID in the ./keys/capwatch_orgid file, as well as your CAP ID and eServices password in ./keys/capwatch_capid and ./keys/capwatch_password, respectively

reCAPTCHA setup

  1. Create a new site using the v2 'I'm not a Robot' reCAPTCHA option

    • Be sure to add your domain
  2. Store the public key in ./packages/client/.env, under the key REACT_APP_RECAPTCHA_KEY, e.g.


  3. Store the provided secret key in ./keys/recaptcha_secret, e.g. '6LeIxAcTAAAAAGG-vFI1TnRWxMZNFuojJ4WifJWe'

Client setup

The packages/client/.env file should also have the following content:

REACT_APP_RECAPTCHA_KEY=your public key here
REACT_APP_HOST_NAME=your hostname here

your public key here and your hostname here should be replaced with their respective values

Using Command Line Utilities

First, run docker-compose up -d util-cli, and keep note of the name of the container created. Then, run docker attach {container-name} you will be provided a shell from which you can run different utilities to perform administrative actions. Administrative actions include adding SSL keys for signin tokens, creating accounts, downloading CAPWATCH files, importing CAPWATCH files, and sending global notifications.

By running docker-compose up -d mysqlsh, keeping note of the name of the container created, and then running docker attach {container-name}, you will be dropped into a mysqlsh session

To import a new CAPWATCH file, run docker-compose up download_capwatch_update

Building and running the server

By running docker-compose up main, it will build and start the MySQL database as well as the server itself. To get SSL for HTTPS as well, modify and then run scripts/ with your email and then use docker-compose up main proxy instead.

Creating an account and supplying it data

From inside the util-cli container started here, you can run the createAccount.js file to start the process of creating an account that can be used to process data

Accessing the site

To access the site, you have to use a domain name that starts with the account ID you used earlier. For instance, to access the md089 account, you would go to


If you are a unit commander or unit IT officer looking to implement this for your squadron, you can instead send an email to to request an official Event Manager website.

This will take advantage of the hosting and support already available, and will allow for cross unit communication with units already established under the domain.

CAPWATCH data for all Maryland Wing members and units is already being handled.

There is currently a feature request being worked on which will allow you as a unit commander or unit IT officer to upload your own CAPWATCH data to a Event Manager hosted unit. This feature request can be tracked here.