capacitor-community / video-recorder

A video recording plugin for Capacitor
MIT License
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capacitor plugin to record video ## Install ```bash npm install @capacitor-community/video-recorder npx cap sync ``` To ensure the Android lib is downloadable when building the app, you can add the following to the repositories section of your project's build.gradle file: ```gradle repositories { google() mavenCentral() maven { url "" } } ``` #### Platform Support - iOS - Android > On a web browser, we will fake the behavior to allow for easier development. ## Example Usage ### Initializing Camera In order to initialize the camera feed (**note**: you are not recording at this point), you must first specify a config to the video recorder. > Note: To overlay your web UI on-top of the camera output, you must use stackPosition: back and make all layers of your app transparent so that the camera can be seen under the webview. There are 2 changes needed to make the webview transparent on Android and iOS: ```scss // in the scss file of your page ion-content { --background: transparent; } ``` ```ts // in the capacitor.config.ts { 'backgroundColor: '#ff000000', // this is needed mainly on iOS } ``` Next in your app: ```typescript import { VideoRecorderCamera, VideoRecorderPreviewFrame } from '@teamhive/capacitor-video-recorder'; const { VideoRecorder } = Plugins; const config: VideoRecorderPreviewFrame = { id: 'video-record', stackPosition: 'back', // 'front' overlays your app', 'back' places behind your app. width: 'fill', height: 'fill', x: 0, y: 0, borderRadius: 0 }; await VideoRecorder.initialize({ camera: VideoRecorderCamera.FRONT, // Can use BACK previewFrames: [config] }); ``` ### Recording Starts recording against the capture device. ```typescript VideoRecorder.startRecording(); ``` ### Stop Recording / Getting Result Stops the capture device and returns the path of the local video file. ``` typescript const res = await VideoRecorder.stopRecording(); // The video url is the local file path location of the video output. return res.videoUrl; ``` ### Destroying Camera Used to disconnect from the capture device and remove any native UI layers that exist. ```typescript VideoRecorder.destroy(); ``` ### Demo App The demo app can be found in the Example folder of this repo ## API - [`initialize(...)`](#initialize) - [`destroy()`](#destroy) - [`flipCamera()`](#flipcamera) - [`addPreviewFrameConfig(...)`](#addpreviewframeconfig) - [`editPreviewFrameConfig(...)`](#editpreviewframeconfig) - [`switchToPreviewFrame(...)`](#switchtopreviewframe) - [`showPreviewFrame(...)`](#showpreviewframe) - [`hidePreviewFrame()`](#hidepreviewframe) - [`startRecording()`](#startrecording) - [`stopRecording()`](#stoprecording) - [`getDuration()`](#getduration) - [`addListener('onVolumeInput', ...)`](#addlisteneronvolumeinput-) - [Interfaces](#interfaces) - [Enums](#enums) ### initialize(...) ```typescript initialize(options?: VideoRecorderOptions | undefined) => Promise ``` | Param | Type | | ------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------- | | **`options`** | VideoRecorderOptions | -------------------- ### destroy() ```typescript destroy() => Promise ``` -------------------- ### flipCamera() ```typescript flipCamera() => Promise ``` -------------------- ### addPreviewFrameConfig(...) ```typescript addPreviewFrameConfig(config: VideoRecorderPreviewFrame) => Promise ``` | Param | Type | | ------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | **`config`** | VideoRecorderPreviewFrame | -------------------- ### editPreviewFrameConfig(...) ```typescript editPreviewFrameConfig(config: VideoRecorderPreviewFrame) => Promise ``` | Param | Type | | ------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | **`config`** | VideoRecorderPreviewFrame | -------------------- ### switchToPreviewFrame(...) ```typescript switchToPreviewFrame(options: { id: string; }) => Promise ``` | Param | Type | | ------------- | ---------------------------- | | **`options`** | { id: string; } | -------------------- ### showPreviewFrame(...) ```typescript showPreviewFrame(config: { position: number; quality: number; }) => Promise ``` | Param | Type | | ------------ | --------------------------------------------------- | | **`config`** | { position: number; quality: number; } | -------------------- ### hidePreviewFrame() ```typescript hidePreviewFrame() => Promise ``` -------------------- ### startRecording() ```typescript startRecording() => Promise ``` -------------------- ### stopRecording() ```typescript stopRecording() => Promise<{ videoUrl: string; }> ``` **Returns:** Promise<{ videoUrl: string; }> -------------------- ### getDuration() ```typescript getDuration() => Promise<{ value: number; }> ``` **Returns:** Promise<{ value: number; }> -------------------- ### addListener('onVolumeInput', ...) ```typescript addListener(eventName: 'onVolumeInput', listenerFunc: (event: { value: number; }) => void) => PluginListenerHandle ``` | Param | Type | | ------------------ | --------------------------------------------------- | | **`eventName`** | 'onVolumeInput' | | **`listenerFunc`** | (event: { value: number; }) => void | **Returns:** PluginListenerHandle -------------------- ### Interfaces #### VideoRecorderOptions | Prop | Type | | ------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------- | | **`camera`** | VideoRecorderCamera | | **`quality`** | VideoRecorderQuality | | **`autoShow`** | boolean | | **`previewFrames`** | VideoRecorderPreviewFrame[] | #### VideoRecorderPreviewFrame | Prop | Type | | ------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------- | | **`id`** | string | | **`stackPosition`** | 'front' \| 'back' | | **`x`** | number | | **`y`** | number | | **`width`** | number \| 'fill' | | **`height`** | number \| 'fill' | | **`borderRadius`** | number | | **`dropShadow`** | { opacity?: number; radius?: number; color?: string; } | #### PluginListenerHandle | Prop | Type | | ------------ | ----------------------------------------- | | **`remove`** | () => Promise<void> | ### Enums #### VideoRecorderCamera | Members | Value | | ----------- | -------------- | | **`FRONT`** | 0 | | **`BACK`** | 1 | #### VideoRecorderQuality | Members | Value | | --------------- | -------------- | | **`MAX_480P`** | 0 | | **`MAX_720P`** | 1 | | **`MAX_1080P`** | 2 | | **`MAX_2160P`** | 3 | | **`HIGHEST`** | 4 | | **`LOWEST`** | 5 | | **`QVGA`** | 6 | ## Dependencies The Android code is using `triniwiz/FancyCamera` v1.2.4 () The iOS code is implemented using AVFoundation ## Contributors ✨ Thanks goes to these wonderful people ([emoji key](

This project follows the [all-contributors]( specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!