capensis / canopsis-nagios

Nagios NEB for Canopsis
9 stars 4 forks source link

Nagios or Icinga Event broker for Canopsis


Debian like (Debian, Ubuntu ...):

apt-get install build-essential git-core

Redhat like (Centos ..):

yum groupinstall "Development Tools"
yum install git-core

Download and Build

via git:

git clone
cd canopsis-nagios

via HTTP:

wget --no-check-certificate -O canopsis-nagios.tgz
tar xfz canopsis-nagios.tgz
cd canopsis-*


Copy NEB in your Nagios/Icinga installation:

sudo cp neb2amqp.o /usr/local/nagios/bin/


Edit your Nagios/Icinga configuration (nagios.cfg):

broker_module=/usr/local/nagios/bin/neb2amqp.o name=Central host=localhost


host =              AMQP Server (
port =              AMQP Port (5672)
userid =            AMQP login (guest)
password =          AMQP password (guest)
virtual_host =      AMQP Virtual host (canopsis)
exchange_name =     AMQP Exchange (
name =              Poller name (Central)
connector =         Connector name (nagios) (you can type "icinga" for icinga)
max_size =          Maximum message size to send to the AMQP bus (8192)
cache_file =        File in which faulty messages are stored (/usr/local/nagios/var/canopsis.cache)
                    (note: if we cannot read/create the file, the cache will
                    only run in memory)
cache_size =        Number of messages to store in cache (1000)
autosync =          Delay in seconds between two automatic sync of the cache into 'cache_file'.
                    If < 0 disable autosync (note: the cache will always be stored when the module
                    is unloaded). If = 0 cache every time (this is not recommended as it may consumes
                    lot of I/O) (default: 60)
autoflush =         Delay in seconds between two automatic flush of the cache into the AMQP bus
                    if it is available (60)
rate =              Delay in ms between two messages when depiling (5)
flush =             Number of messages to send when depiling (-1: means it is calculated at runtime)
purge =             If 1, purge cache at startup. /!\ This will increase Nagios' startup time. (default: 0)

hostgroups =        If 1, send host groups on host-check events (default: 0)
servicegroups =     If 1, send service groups on service-check events (default: 0)
acknowledgement =   If 1, handle acknowledgement events (default: 0)
downtime =          If 1, handle downtime events (default: 0)
custom_variables =  If 1, add Nagios macros to event (default: 0)
urls =              If 1, add action_url and notes_url to event (default: 0)

amqp_wait_time =    Number of seconds before a reconnection to AMQP

If nagios.cfg is generated by other program, you can try to add in your nagios init script:

CPS_NAME=$(hostname -s)
if [ -e $CPS_NEB ]; then
        grep "$CPS_NEB" $NagiosCfgFile 1> /dev/null
        if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
            echo "Add NEB: '$CPS_NEB' to configuration file '$NagiosCfgFile'"
            echo "broker_module=$CPS_NEB name=$CPS_NAME host=$CPS_SERVER" >> $NagiosCfgFile


Other tools are available in the folder contrib.