caprover / one-click-apps

Community Maintained One Click Apps (
Apache License 2.0
525 stars 513 forks source link

Added Trudesk #1094

Closed nativeit closed 2 months ago

nativeit commented 2 months ago

First of all, thank you for your contribution! 😄

Please note that this repo is mostly for popular apps with thousands of stars and tens of thousands of downloads. If you'd like to add a less popular app, you can always create your own 3rd party repo and add your app there.

☑️ Self Check before Merge

Template for Trudesk, an open source help desk/ticketing application.

The standard Docker deployment for Trudesk made using it with Caprover as-is somewhat difficult, but when formatted as a Caprover template, the complexities with its nno-standard http port and the communication between MongoDB/Elasticsearch became much easier to handle.

This template deploys successfully with 100% default settings, and requires minimal configuration following deployment (enable WebSocket support, visit app's frontend to establish admin user).

I realize there are other help desk/ticketing type apps in Caprover's directory, as well as another PR currently open for FreeScout. However, the existing one (Zamaad) adopts a rather unique approach as an integrated email service that may not fit everyone's use-case; and FreeScout requires dozens of individual purchases to license every feature, even very basic functionality.

I find Trudesk to be quite capable, more approachable than Zamaad, and much more featured out-of-the-box than FreeScout. So I thought it was worth supporting, and might be useful for folks other than just myself.

githubsaturn commented 2 months ago

Looks like this PR is a duplicate of

The upgrade of NodeRED was accidentally included here.