caprover / one-click-apps

Community Maintained One Click Apps (
Apache License 2.0
525 stars 513 forks source link

Repo for CapRover One Click Apps

How to create a one-click app (as of v1.8.0):

First, have a look at this simple example. Now, read on for more details:




Test your One Click Apps

After creating your One-Click app yaml file, you need to test it before creating a Pull Request. Here is how you test it:

Build your own one-click app repository

You may want to build your own private repository. CapRover supports having multiple repositories. You can add new repository URLs to the one click app page. The official one, this one, is available as

To create your own repository:

Hosting your own repository on a CapRover instance

Your own private repository can be hosted on a CapRover instance with the newly-added captain-definition file.

To set up your private repository on CapRover:

Third party One Click Apps

In order to add a third party repository:

3rd party repositories