caprover / one-click-apps

Community Maintained One Click Apps (
Apache License 2.0
544 stars 534 forks source link

App Suggestion: [dolibarr] #72

Closed oda-alexandre closed 4 years ago

oda-alexandre commented 5 years ago


thank you for your work

jacquant commented 4 years ago


It worked well. I did the PR: #208

    "captainVersion": "2",
    "documentation": "",
    "description": "Open Source ERP & CRM for Business (sme or large companies, freelancers, foundations)", 
    "displayName": "Dolibarr",
    "dockerCompose": {
        "version": "3.8",
        "services": {
            "$$cap_appname-db": {
                "image": "postgres:$$cap_postgres-version",
                "notExposeAsWebApp": "true",
                "volumes": [
                "restart": "always",
                "environment": {
                    "POSTGRES_USER": "dolibarr",
                    "POSTGRES_PASSWORD": "$$cap_pg-pass",
                    "POSTGRES_DB": "dolibarr"
            "$$cap_appname": {
                "image": "upshift/dolibarr:$$cap_dolibarr-version",
                "containerHttpPort": "80",
                "depends_on": [
                "volumes": [
                "restart": "always",
                "environment": {
                    "DOLI_DB_HOST": "srv-captain--$$cap_appname-db",
                    "DOLI_DB_NAME": "dolibarr",
                    "DOLI_DB_ROOT_LOGIN": "dolibarr",
                    "DOLI_DB_ROOT_PASSWOORD": "$$cap_pg-pass",
                    "DOLI_DB_USER": "dolibarr",
                    "DOLI_DB_PORT": 5432,
                    "DOLI_DB_TYPE": "pgsql",
                    "DOLI_DB_PASSWORD": "$$cap_pg-pass",
                    "DOLI_ADMIN_LOGIN": "$$cap_admin-login",
                    "DOLI_ADMIN_PASSWORD": "$$cap_admin-pass",
                    "DOLI_URL_ROOT": "http://$$cap_appname.$$cap_root_domain"
        "volumes": {
            "$$cap_appname-html": {},
            "$$cap_appname-docs": {},
            "$$cap_appname-db": {}
    "instructions": {
        "start": "Dolibarr is an Open Source ERP & CRM for Business",
        "end": "Dolibarr is deployed and available as srv-captain--$$cap_appname:8080 to other apps."
    "variables": [
            "id": "$$cap_postgres-version",
            "label": "Postgres Version",
            "defaultValue": "9.6-alpine",
            "description": "Checkout their docker page for the valid tags",
            "validRegex": "/^([^\\s^\\/])+$/"
            "id": "$$cap_dolibarr-version",
            "label": "Dolibarr Version",
            "defaultValue": "11.0",
            "description": "Checkout their docker page for the valid tags",
            "validRegex": "/^([^\\s^\\/])+$/"
            "id": "$$cap_pg-pass",
            "label": "Postgres Password",
            "description": "The password of the PostgreSQL Database",
            "validRegex": "/.{1,}/"
            "id": "$$cap_admin-login",
            "label": "Dolibarr Admin Login",
            "defaultValue": "admin",
            "description": "The login of the fisrt admin user of Dolibarr",
            "validRegex": "/.{1,}/"
            "id": "$$cap_admin-pass",
            "label": "Dolibarr Admin Password",
            "description": "The password of the first admin user of Dolibarr",
            "validRegex": "/.{1,}/"