capstone-coal / coal-sds

An Apache OODT-powered Science Data System for COAL
Apache License 2.0
2 stars 3 forks source link
archival cataloging data-system file-manager processing resource-management workflow-management-system


An Apache OODT-powered Science Data System (SDS) for COAL.


coal-sds is an end-to-end SDS capable of managing the data lifecycle (aquisition, cataloging, archival, retrieval, processing, etc.) required for COAL. The Apache OODT-poweredSDS itself consists of several components which when run as services, allow users to really explore COAL in its entirety.



Build OODT

Place the complete coal-sds file inside of your EC2 instance.

$ mvn clean package -Pfm-solr-catalog -DskipTests

Typically efficient and effective cataloguing is achieved by passing the -Pfm-solr-catalog option as this allows all data flowing into the SDS to be persisted into Apache Solr.

Deploy OODT

$ mkdir /usr/local/coal-sds-deploy
$ tar -zxvf distribution/target/coal-sds-distribution-*-bin.tar.gz -C /usr/local/coal-sds-deploy/

If you experience issues with permissions, you may need to include sudo in front of those commands.

NOTE: For other build configurations, add the following arguments: (default) : bin, crawler, data, extensions, filemgr (Lucene), logs, pcs, resmgr, tomcat, workflow, pge

-Pfm-solr-catalog : default components, filemgr (Solr), solr, tomcat/webapps/solr

Basic COAL-SDS File Management

See Basic File Management COAL SDS


coal-sds is licensed permissively under the Apache License v2.0 a copy of which ships with this code.