caracal-pipeline / caracal

Containerized Automated Radio Astronomy Calibration (CARACal) pipeline
GNU General Public License v2.0
28 stars 6 forks source link

======= CARACal

|Build Version| |Doc Status| |Pypi Version| |Python Versions| |Project License|

CARACal stands for Containerized Automated Radio Astronomy Calibration and is a pipeline for radio interferometry data reduction

Main website: <>_

It includes the Install & Run instructions described below, and much more.

================== Installation & Run

Usage and publication policy

When using CARACal please be aware of and adhere to the CARACal publication policy <>_.


============ Installation

We strongly recommend and describe an installation using a Python3 virtual environment. Only try outside a virtual environment if you know what you are doing. Any name as ${name} occurring in the description below can be chosen arbitrarily. If it symbolises directories or files, those directories or files should exist and the user should have write access.

There are three (3) available methods to install the caracal pipeline:

  1. Manual

Choose the name of the virtual environment ${caracal-venv}. Then:

.. code-block:: bash

$ python3 -m venv ${caracal-venv}

OR, if the command above does not work

.. code-block:: bash

virtualenv -p python3 ${caracal-venv}
source ${caracal-venv}/bin/activate
pip install -U pip setuptools wheel

For a CARACal stable release run:

.. code-block:: bash

pip install -U caracal

CARACal has a few optional dependencies (scipy, astropy, regions, astroquery) which are not installed by default. But to get full functionality, you can install them by running:

.. code-block:: bash

pip install -U caracal[all]

And CARACal developer version which is not recommended for users:

.. code-block:: bash

pip install -U 'caracal[all] @ git+'

Ignore any error messages concerning pyregion.

  1. script

Download the installation script <>_ . Choose the parent directory ${workspace} and the name of the CARACal directory ${caracal_dir}. Any name as ${name} occurring in the description below can be chosen arbitrarily. If it symbolises directories or files, those directories or files should exist and the user should have write acccess.

If using Docker <>_:

.. code-block:: bash -ws ${workspace} -cr -di -ct ${caracal_dir} -rp install -f -kh

If using Singularity <>_:

.. code-block:: bash -ws ${workspace} -cr -si -ct ${caracal_testdir} -rp install -f -kh
  1. Poetry (For developers)

Installation from source using poetry. First, install poetry:

.. code-block:: bash

pip install poetry

In the working directory where source is checked out run poetry install or to include all optional dependencies:

.. code-block:: bash

poetry install --extras all

========================================= Installation on (ILIFU) slurm environment

The installation of CARACal on ilifu has been tried and tested on the Ubuntu 20.0 operating system, although, it should also work on other OS versions. On the login node, follow these instructions:

.. code-block:: bash

cd /path/to/working/area
module add python/3.9.4
python3 -m venv <venv-name>
source <venv-name>/bin/activate
pip install -U pip setuptools wheel
git clone
pip install -U -e caracal

where /path/to/working/area is the actual path to the directory where you wish to install CARACal. In principle, this can also be done in the Slurm environment of ILIFU by submitting an sbatch script. Please amend your pip install command with [all] option when needed in accordance with the instructions above. Install the latest release with:

.. code-block:: bash

pip install -U caracal

NB: The stimela singularity images needed for CARACal are stored in this location: /software/astro/caracal/ where you can access the latest version of the images, for example, /software/astro/caracal/STIMELA_IMAGES_1.7.0.

======= Running

If you installed CARACal manually, activate the virtual environment with:

.. code-block:: bash

source ${caracal-venv}/bin/activate

If you installed CARACal with the script, activate the virtual environment with:

.. code-block:: bash

source ${workspace}/${caracal_dir}/caracal_venv/bin/activate

If using Docker <>_ run CARACal with:

.. code-block:: bash

caracal -c ${your-configuration-file}

If using Singularity <>_ run CARACal with:

.. code-block:: bash

caracal -ct singularity -c ${your-configuration-file}

For more detailed installation instructions, troubleshooting tips and a full user manual please see <>_.

========== New issues

We encourage users who experience problems installing or running CARACal to check for known issues or open a new issue at our GitHub issues page <>_.

When opening a new issue, please include your:

. installation type (e.g., Docker, Singularity)

. software version (both CARACal and Stimela)

. CARACal configuration file

. CARACal log files.

In case you are not carrying out a fresh installation, remove earlier Stimela images with:

.. code-block:: bash

stimela clean -ac

Then, if using Docker <>_:

.. code-block:: bash

stimela pull

If using Singularity <>_, choose a pull folder ${singularity_pull_folder}, where the Singularity <>_ images are stored and define an environment variable by adding this in the rc file of your shell (e.g. .bashrc):

.. code-block:: bash


and run:

.. code-block:: bash

stimela pull -s

If using Podman <>_:

.. code-block:: bash

stimela pull -p

======= License

This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License v2.0 - see license_ for details.

========== Contribute

Contributions are always welcome! Please ensure that you adhere to our coding standards pep8_.

.. |Doc Status| image:: :target: :alt:

.. |Pypi Version| image:: :target: :alt: .. |Build Version| image:: :target: :alt:

.. |Python Versions| image:: :target: :alt:

.. |Project License| image:: :target: :alt:

.. _license: .. _pep8: