carbon-design-system / carbon-addons-infrastructure

Carbon Add-on for IBM Cloud Infrastructure
Apache License 2.0
6 stars 5 forks source link


Build Status All Contributors Greenkeeper badge

[WIP] Carbon Add-on for IBM Cloud Infrastructure


Run the following command using npm:

npm install -S carbon-addons-infrastructure

If you prefer Yarn, use the following command instead:

yarn add carbon-addons-infrastructure


To include Infrastructure-related styles in your project, add the following to your existing stylesheet:

// Default import path relative to `node_modules`
@import 'carbon-addons-infrastructure/scss/index.scss';

// If you're using webpack, you can use `~` to alias a node module
@import '~carbon-addons-infrastructure/scss/index.scss';


Make sure to include node_modules in your node-sass config. This will guarantee that all imports work as expected. You can find more about this option here.


Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):

Josh Black


This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!