carbonplan / cdr-verification

mapping uncertainties for CDR pathways
MIT License
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CarbonPlan monogram.

# carbonplan / CDR verification **interactive tool for mapping key uncertainties in different CDR pathways** [![CI](]( [![License: MIT](]( [![DOI](]( ## to build the site locally Assuming you already have `Node.js` installed, you can install the build dependencies as: ```shell npm install . ``` To start a development version of the site, simply run: ```shell npm run dev ``` and then visit `http://localhost:5001/research/cdr-verification` in your browser. ## to build the pathway data You will need to unlock the Google Sheets key using [`git-crypt`]( Unlocking is simplest using a symmetric secret key securely shared by a team member. You may then run the command to pull all pathway and legend data. ```shell python scripts/ pre-commit run --all-files ``` ## Breakdown of python scripts 1. [] Create and add validation rules to google-sheets using the google-sheets python sdk. 1. [] A set of templating dicts that store request bodies for google-sheets validation rules. 1. [] A set of checks that read the CDR sheets and check if some of the validation rules are met. Returns dataframes and notifies via slack webhook. 1. [] All of the Google auth should live here. 1. [] Scripts to convert the google sheets to .json for the web tool. ## license All the code in this repository is [MIT](, but we request that you please provide attribution if reusing any of our digital content (graphics, logo, articles, etc.). ## about us CarbonPlan is a nonprofit organization that uses data and science for climate action. We aim to improve the transparency and scientific integrity of climate solutions with open data and tools. Find out more at []( or get in touch by [opening an issue]( or [sending us an email](