carbonrobot / hapi-themes

A hapi view handler to serve themeable content
MIT License
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This plugin will add a view handler to Hapi.js routes to serve themeable content. This allows you serve different stylesheets by theme name, serve different layout files, or whatever you need.

Content can be themed by url (default), http header, or a custom function.


By default, the handler will read the "theme" key from the url by taking the first url segment after the domain. For example, if your app has the following url:

The theme key would be batman and the theme file that will be loaded is batman.json.

NOTE: The theme key will be stripped out of the url when it is passed to the Hapi.js router. This allows for flexibility when creating routes, since you will not have to account for the theme name in your url matching.

Example Theme File

Theme files can contain any information you want, but must at least maintain key and isDefault properties.

    "key": "batman",
    "isDefault": true,
    "brandName": "Batman Crimefighting",
    "logo": "logo-batman-134x23.png",
    "logoAltText": "Batman (TM)"

When loaded by the theme key, this theme file is injected as a js object into the view and can be used by the templating engine.

<link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="{{theme.favicon}}" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{{theme.key}}/styles.css" />

You can also inject additional information into the view model as needed to be used in the view. See details further down.


Each theme is stored in a theme file, loaded with glob pathing, and configured like any other plugin.

var themes = {
    register: require('hapi-themes'),
    options: {
        configFilePath: '**/*.theme.json'

server.register([themes], function(err){
    // ...
        // ...    

Specify the view handler for a route.

    method: 'GET',
    path: '/',
    handler: {
        theme: {
            template: 'index',
            layout: 'default',
            relativeTo: Path.join(__dirname, 'server/views')

Using an http header as the theme key

If you want to use an http header as the theme key, you can set the following options.

var themes = {
    register: require('hapi-themes'),
    options: {
        configFilePath: '**/*.theme.json',
        defaultThemeKey: 'HEADER_THEME_KEY',
        keyStrategy: 'header'

Injecting custom model data

To inject additional model data to be used in the view templates, set the model property in options.

    method: 'GET',
    path: '/',
    handler: {
        theme: {
            template: 'index',
            layout: 'default',
            relativeTo: Path.join(__dirname, 'server/views'),
            model: {
                env: 'dev',
                version: 'v1.0.0.1',
                debug: true
<link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="{{theme.favicon}}" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{{theme.key}}/styles.css" />
{{#if debug}}
    Environment {{env}}
    Version {{version}}

Using a custom function for theme resolution

You can also specify a custom function that should return a string equivalent to the name of the theme file to load. The keyStrategy takes the Hapi.js request object as its parameter and must return a string.

var themes = {
    register: require('hapi-themes'),
    options: {
        configFilePath: '**/*.theme.json',
        keyStrategy: function(request){
            return 'batman';

Overriding the theme for a specific route (not typical)

For cases when you want to ignore the theme key for a single route

    method: 'GET',
    path: '/',
    handler: {
        theme: {
            template: 'index',
            layout: 'default',
            relativeTo: Path.join(__dirname, 'server/views'),
            overrideTheme: {
                key: 'batman',
                isDefault: 'false',
                name: 'Batman Theme!'