REST API Testing with Cucumber and Javascript
The following software must be installed for development.
Then, run the following command to install dependencies
$ npm install
To run all tests, run the following command from the project directory.
$ npm test
To run a single feature file, run the following command from the project directory.
$ npm test features/myfeature.feature
To run a single test in a feature file, run the following command from the project directory. In this example "23" is the line number of the test in the file.
$ npm test features/myfeature.feature:23
Running the Examples
$ npm test examples
You can use any text editor you would like to use. I recommend using VSCode or UltraEdit.
Place new feature files in the features
folder. Features can and should be organized into folders.
Refer to the examples
folder for full examples of what is possible with this framework.
@baseUrl @baseUrl-examples
Scenario: Make a payment to a bill provider
And The json request data
"amount": "133.0",
"TransactionDate": "01-09-2016"
And the property "TransactionDate" is a date "3" days in the future
When I make a POST request to "/payments/v1.0"
Then the response status code should be "200"
And the response property "data.results[0].status" should be "Pending"
To verify the status code of a response, use the following
Then the response status code should be "404"
To verify a simple response containing a single word or value, use the following
Then the response should be "Completed"
To check a value in a JSON response, specify the path to the property. For example, lets say the following is supposed to return from the API.
"employerName": "Microsoft"
Then use the following syntax
Then the response property "employerName" should be "Microsoft"
A more complicated example:
"result": {
"data": {
"employerName": "Microsoft"
Then use the following syntax
Then the response property "" should be "Microsoft"
Also handles array syntax
"result": {
"data": [{
"employerName": "Microsoft"
}, {
"employerName": "Stripe"
Then use the following syntax
Then the response property "[1].employerName" should be "Stripe"
Use tags to set the base url for requests. Place a "@baseUrl" tag on any Feature or Scenario and an additional tag to specify the base url to use.
In the example below, the full url is
. Since we don't want to type this everytime, we can put the first half the url in the configuration file lib/config.js
and then reference it as a tag as shown below.
@baseUrl @baseUrl-examples
Feature: Rest API Examples
This is an example of a REST API spec
Scenario: Example Scenario
When I make a POST request to "/contributions/v1.0"