carla-caracola / traditional_games_in_python

Project from module 1 of the Adalab Data Analysis Bootcamp. Team 3: Yami, Karolina, Laia y Carla
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The Cheetah Girls - Nostalgic Games: Hangman, Rock-Paper-Scissors, and Trivia Game

Project description

Welcome to the The Cheetah Girls - Nostalgic Games project. This repository contains three classic childhood games developed in Python: Hangman, Rock-Paper-Scissors, and a Trivia game. Each game has been carefully designed to provide an authentic and nostalgic experience, using Python to implement the logic and ensure smooth and entertaining gameplay.

The project was developed by the team "The Cheetah Girls" during Module 1 of the Data Analytics Bootcamp by Adalab.

Team members

About the Bootcamp

Learn more about the bootcamp at

Games included

1. Hangman

Hangman is a classic game where you have to guess a word letter by letter. You have a limited number of attempts before the little man is "hanged".


2. Rock, Paper, Scissors

A simple game of hand where Rock beats Scissors, Scissors beats Paper, and Paper beats Rock. Play against the computer.


3. Geography Trivia Game

An educational game that presents multiple choice questions to the player. The goal is to correctly answer as many questions as possible.



Agile Development

The development of these games followed an agile methodology, allowing for rapid iterations and continuous code improvement. Key practices used included:

Build with

Python as Primary Tool Key and Jupyter Notebook. Python features used in this project include:

Special thanks to

Our teachers during this module, César Valle and Carla Álvarez López, for their passion and patience. Our teammates from promotion Inez Vázquez, for their support and for making this journey an enjoyable one. Adalab for granting the Bootcamp.