carlomanf / wp-funnel-manager

Organises wordpress content into multi-step funnels.
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=== WP Funnel Manager === Contributors: manfcarlo Tags: funnel builder, page builder, sales funnels, landing page, marketing, sales, block, blocks, block editor, gutenberg, template, templates Tested up to: 5.9 Stable tag: 1.3.2 License: GPLv2 or later License URI:

Organises content into multi-step funnels.

== Description ==

Have you ever needed to arrange your content in a multi-step sequence? Then WP Funnel Manager is what you need!

WP Funnel Manager works great for sales funnels, but it's also perfect for instruction manuals, online courses, or any kind of content that users must move through sequentially.

== Installation ==

This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.

  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/wp-funnel-manager directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' screen in WordPress
  3. Use the Funnels screen in WordPress to start building your funnels

== How to Use This Plugin ==

First, ensure you are running at least version 5.8 of WordPress.

After installation, you will find a Funnels screen in the WordPress admin menu. You will find the familiar editing screen to create your first funnel.

Funnels are fully integrated with the new block templates feature of WordPress 5.8. This means you can edit the block template of your funnel by clicking on Template within the block editor. You can also add multiple funnels that share the same block template, or create new funnel types with their own block templates.

To add more steps to a funnel, find the funnel within its funnel type listing and click on Edit Steps. Then, click on Add New to add a new step to this funnel. Again, use the familiar editing screen to add content to this step. All steps of the funnel share the same block template.

Repeat this process for each step of the funnel. Make sure you use the WordPress menu order feature to arrange the steps of your funnel in the correct order.

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= How do I change "New Funnel Type 1" to something more meaningful? =

  1. Edit any funnel that belongs to the funnel type "New Funnel Type 1"
  2. Click on "Template" in the sidebar of the block editor to edit the block template
  3. At the top of the block editor, you can change the name of the block template

= How do I delete the first step of my funnel without deleting the whole funnel? =

Just go to the Funnels screen, find your funnel and click on Trash. This will delete the first step of the funnel only, and the second step of the funnel will take its place.

= Why did my funnels disappear after switching theme? =

WP Funnel Manager requires the template editor, which is a new feature that some themes still don't support. Suggested actions are:

Once your active theme supports the template editor, all your funnels will be automatically restored.

= Why did the plugin automatically deactivate itself? =

This is a rare issue that the majority of users will never encounter.

WP Funnel Manager requires a core function, wp_get_current_user, to be re-defined in a certain way. Only one plugin at a time is allowed to re-define any given core function, see this article for more explanation. Therefore, if it is detected that another plugin is already re-defining this core function in its own way, WP Funnel Manager is unable to operate.

By deactivating your other plugins one by one, and attemping to re-activate WP Funnel Manager, you can determine which one of your other plugins was causing the conflict with WP Funnel Manager. Once you have found it, you will be able to activate WP Funnel Manager and any other plugin not involved in the conflict.

= How do I suggest a new feature or submit a bug report? =

Through the WordPress support forum, or on the GitHub page here.

== Changelog ==

= 1.3.2 =

= 1.3.1 =

= 1.3.0 =

= 1.2.0 =

= 1.1.0 =

= 1.0.5 =

= 1.0.4 =

= 1.0.3 =