carlosangon / couch-experiment-threejs

Apply fabrics to 3d model of couch using Threejs
MIT License
9 stars 1 forks source link

🛋 Couch Visual Experiment


This repo uses threejs to create a visual experience.

How to use this repository

The repository contains all the source files to run the Couch Visual Experience threejs experiement.

git clone

Alternatively, clone or download the entire repository and play with it.

git clone
cd couch-experiment-threejs

What's in it?

This repo contains a script.js file with all of the logic to render the model and scene. A copy of OBJLoader.js and MTLLoader.js to load couch model. A copy of OrbitControls.js to allow manipulation of the camera.

The steps to use or view this project are:

  1. Install the dependencies budo to run application
  2. Run the project to experience some cool stuff

Run these steps using the following commands:

npm install
npm start

TO DO Fix memory leaks