Closed carlosedp closed 4 years ago
As replied in I tried the new manifests (I only changed the external addresses to my own). I now do have node-exporter connections and metrics, but the k3s kubelet and cadvisor still give connection refused ("Get http://#.#.#.#:10255/metrics: dial tcp #.#.#.#:10255: connect: connection refused" and "Get http://#.#.#.#:10255/metrics/cadvisor: dial tcp #.#.#.#:10255: connect: connection refused").
I just updated to the latest release of K3S: curl -sfL | INSTALL_K3S_VERSION=v0.10.2 INSTALL_K3S_EXEC="--no-deploy traefik --no-deploy=servicelb" sh -s - --kubelet-arg="authentication-token-webhook=true" --kubelet-arg="authorization-mode=Webhook" --kubelet-arg="address="
Maybe I should by now get rid of the extra kubelet arguments?
(edit1: apologies for the late response, but I did not find enough time to investigate until now)
(edit2: when changing endpoint to https-metrics I get: "server returned HTTP status 400 Bad Request") (edit3: should have also changed the scheme to https ofcourse... But now I get: "Get https://#.#.#.#:10250/metrics/cadvisor: x509: certificate is valid for, not #.#.#.#")
(edit4: got targets now working. Need to collect some statistics first and then have a look at the dashoboards to see everything is indeed correct. Changed the prometheus-serviceMonitorKubelet.yaml to also contain the certificate and some to what I found mentioned at (do not know ho to prevent formatting?) apiVersion: kind: ServiceMonitor metadata: labels: k8s-app: kubelet name: kubelet namespace: monitoring spec: endpoints:
Latest version supports the use of kube-rbac-proxy on kube-state-metrics and node_exporter.
Dive deeper on kube-rbac-proxy use of the API on K3s to return endpoints into https and authenticated endpoints.