Parks and Recreation Trivia
The user will be alerted with a welcome message, followed by a prompt to obtain their name, which will be displayed under the "Parks and Recreation TRIVIA" header.
![Alt text](/Users/carolinano/code/wdi/Project 1/imgaes/Screenshots/Screen Shot 2015-11-30 at 8.52.30 PM.png "Player Name Prompt")
![Alt text](/Users/carolinano/code/wdi/Project 1/imgaes/Screenshots/Screen Shot 2015-11-30 at 8.55.22 PM.png "Player Name Displayed")
The user will not be able to move onto the next question unless a radio input has been selected. Once they've done so, the "next" button will be enabled.
![Alt text](/Users/carolinano/code/wdi/Project 1/imgaes/Screenshots/Screen Shot 2015-11-30 at 8.55.29 PM.png "Next Button Enabled")
Once all ten questions are answered, the final page shows your score.
![Alt text](/Users/carolinano/code/wdi/Project 1/imgaes/Screenshots/Screen Shot 2015-11-30 at 8.55.44 PM.png "Scoreboard")
HTML, CSS, and JavaScript were used to create this game. I approached this as a true trivia game shown with four multiple choices to each question. The installation was used via a website browser. Though you're able to select the answers, I was unable to have the scoreboard reflect the correct or incorrect answers selected. I also would have liked to include a replay and quit button, along with rounds as opposed to just the ten questions shown.