carriex / recomp

RECOMP: Improving Retrieval-Augmented LMs with Compression and Selective Augmentation.
MIT License
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This is the repository for the paper RECOMP: Improving Retrieval-Augmented LMs with Compression and Selective Augmentation.


Download the files from here and place them in the data/ directory.

- prompts/ # prompts with uncompressed and compressed retrieved documents
- extractive_compressor_inputs/ # sentences passed to extractive compressors
- abstractive_compressor_inputs/ # retrieved documents passed to abstractive compressors


Extractive compressor

Abstractive compressor

Language modelling task

Preparing retrieved documents

Follow steps here to prepare retrieval documents.

We use the below command (with this script).

python \
--retrieval_type sparse \
--tokenizer_name gpt2 \
--max_length 1024 \
--dataset_path wikitext \
--dataset_name wikitext-103-v1 \
--dataset_split validation \
--index_name wikipedia-dpr \
--forbidden_titles_path ralm/retrievers/wikitext103_forbidden_titles.txt \
--stride 32 \
--output_file gpt2_wikitext_validation_retrieval_files_32 \
--num_tokens_for_query 32 \
--num_docs 16


Run the below command to evaluate perplexity with different sets of retrieved documents. For example, to evaluate uncompressed RALM with GPT-2 on wikitext, run:

python \
--model_name gpt-2 \
--dataset_path wikitext \
--dataset_name wikitext-103-v1 \
--dataset_split validation \
--output_dir outputs/gpt-2 \
--stride 32 \
--max_length 1024 \
--model_parallelism \
--retrieved_file gpt2_wikitext_validation_retrieval_files_32

QA tasks

Run the below script to prompt FLAN-UL2. We release compressed documents in data/ for each dataset.

python \
--input_data_csv_file [input_data_file] \
--output_data_csv_file [name_of_output_data]

Extractive compressor

Run the below script to score the sentences with the train compressor by passing the path to --model_path. To run baseline compressors, pass in --model_type instead. For example, to score sentences with extractive compressor for top 5 retrieved documents from NQ, run:

python \
  --input_data data/extractive_compressor_intputs/flan_ul2_nq_5shot_top_5_passage_new_msmarco_sent.json \
  --model_path  fangyuan/nq_extractive_compressor \
  --output_file outputs/flan_ul2_nq_5shot_top_5_passage_msmarco_sent_with_scores.json \
  --top_k -1 # consider all sentences

Abstractive compressor

Run the below script to compress retrieved documents with abstractive compressor. For example, to compress top 5 retrieved documents from NQ, run:

python \
--model_name_or_path fangyuan/nq_abstractive_compressor \
--do_predict \
--test_file  abstractive_compressor_inputs/nq_dev_contriever_msmarco_top_5_docs.json \
--max_target_length 512 \
--output_dir outputs/ \
--per_device_train_batch_size=4 \
--per_device_eval_batch_size=16 \


Extractive compressor

Download the pre-processed training data here

Run the below script to train abstractive compressor for (e.g. NQ):

python \
--model_name facebook/contriever-msmarco \
--train_data_path data/extractive_training/nq/train.json \
--dev_data_path data/extractive_training/nq/dev.json

Abstractive compressor

Download the pre-processed training data here

Run the below script to train abstractive compressor for (e.g. NQ):

python \
    --model_name_or_path t5-large \
    --do_train \
    --do_eval \
    --evaluation_strategy steps \
    --logging_steps 10 \
    --eval_steps 1000 \
    --save_steps 1000 \
    --train_file data/abstractive_training/nq/train.json \
    --validation_file data/abstractive_training/nq/dev.json \
    --report_to tensorboard \
    --max_target_length 512 \
    --output_dir [output_dir] \
    --per_device_train_batch_size=2 \
    --gradient_accumulation_steps=2 \
    --per_device_eval_batch_size=8 \
    --overwrite_output_dir \
    --predict_with_generate \
    --save_total_limit 3 \
    --logging_first_step True \
    --max_eval_samples 10000 \