The Cashfree PG PHP SDK offers a convenient solution to access Cashfree PG APIs from a server-side Go applications.
Cashfree's PG API Documentation -
Learn and understand payment gateway workflows at Cashfree Payments here
Try out our interactive guides at Cashfree Dev Studio !
This README is for the current branch and not necessarily what's released in Composer
composer require cashfree/cashfree-pg
\Cashfree\Cashfree::$XClientId = "<x-client-id>";
\Cashfree\Cashfree::$XClientSecret = "<x-client-secret>";
\Cashfree\Cashfree::$XEnvironment = Cashfree\Cashfree::$SANDBOX;
Generate your API keys (x-client-id , x-client-secret) from Cashfree Merchant Dashboard
Create Order
$cashfree = new \Cashfree\Cashfree();
$x_api_version = "2022-09-01";
$create_orders_request = new \Cashfree\Model\CreateOrderRequest();
$customer_details = new \Cashfree\Model\CustomerDetails();
try {
$result = $cashfree->PGCreateOrder($x_api_version, $create_orders_request);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Exception when calling PGCreateOrder: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
Get Order
$x_api_version = "2022-09-01";
try {
$response = $cashfree->PGFetchOrder($x_api_version, "<order_id>");
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Exception when calling PGFetchOrder: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
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