casouri / emacs-mission-control

Mac mission-control-like buffer switch
GNU General Public License v3.0
34 stars 1 forks source link

+TITLE: Misson control

Note <2019-03-18 Mon 18:00>: There is a nice ELPA package called [[][expose]] that provides similar functionality.

This package provides a macOS mission-control-like way to switch between buffers.

mission control:

=mcon-swith= to open preview panel, use number to select buffer to switch to.



Press mcon-c-tab (C-S-tab on terminal) (=mcon-c-tab-graphic=) to open preview panel, mcon-c-tab (C-S-tab) to loop through them. After =mcon-c-tab-timeout= seconds of idle buffer will switch to the selected one.


mcon-c-tab shares =mcon-black-list-regexp=