castorini / BuboQA

Simple question answering over knowledge graphs (Mohammed et al., NAACL 2018)
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Simple Question Answering over Knowledge Graphs

This repo contains code for the following paper:

Running the Code

Install the following Python 3 packages:

If you use PyTorch version 0.2.0, please checkout to

commit 34a71f29192ed57f83d8576002f2b540de7d722f

Run the setup script. This takes a long time. It fetches dataset, other files, processes them and creates indexes:


There are four main components to our formulation of the problem, as detailed in the paper: entity detection, entity linking, relation prediction and evidence integration. Each of these components is contained in a separate directory, with an associated README.

Running the Code with Docker (GPU, Ubuntu 16, Cuda 9.0 base)