catalyst-cooperative / pudl-scrapers

Scrapers used to acquire snapshots of raw data inputs for versioned archiving and replicable analysis.
MIT License
3 stars 3 forks source link
archiving eia epa ferc open-data public-data public-dataset pudl python scraper scrapy webscraper

PUDL Scrapers


This repo has been replaced by the new pudl-archiver repo, which combines both the scraping andd archiving process.


We recommend using conda to create and manage your environment.


conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate pudl-scrapers

Output location

Logs are collected: [your home]/Downloads/pudl_scrapers/scraped/

Data from the scrapers is stored: [your home]/Downloads/pudl_scrapers/scraped/[source_name]/[today #]

Running the scrapers

The general pattern is scrapy crawl [source_name] for one of the supported sources. Typically and additional "year" argument is available, in the form scrapy crawl [source_name] -a year=[year].

See below for exact commands and available arguments.

2010 Census DP1 GeoDatabase

scrapy crawl censusdp1tract

No other options.


For full instructions:

epacems --help

EIA Bulk Electricity Data


No other options.

EPA CAMD to EIA Crosswalk

To collect the data and field descriptions:

scrapy crawl epacamd_eia


To collect all the data:

scrapy crawl eia860

To collect a specific year (eg, 2007):

scrapy crawl eia860 -a year=2007


To collect all the data:

scrapy crawl eia860m

To collect a specific month & year (eg, August 2020):

scrapy crawl eia860 -a month=August -a year=2020


To collect all the data:

scrapy crawl eia861

To collect a specific year (eg, 2007):

scrapy crawl eia861 -a year=2007


To collect all the data:

scrapy crawl eia923

To collect a specific year (eg, 2007):

scrapy crawl eia923 -a year=2007

FERC Forms 1, 2, 6, & 60:

To collect all the data:

scrapy crawl ferc1
scrapy crawl ferc2
scrapy crawl ferc6
scrapy crawl ferc60

There are no subsets enabled.

FERC 714

To collect the data:

scrapy crawl ferc714

There are no subsets, that's it.