catalyst / moodle-local_sitenotice
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Site Notice

This plugin displays notices to users.



Enable the plugin

Site administration > Site Notice > Settings: "Enabled"

Allow updating notices

Site administration > Site Notice > Settings: "Allow notice update" If the config is enabled, user will be able to update existing notice.

Allow deleting notices

Site administration > Site Notice > Settings: "Allow notice deletion" If the config is enabled, user will be able to delete existing notice.

Clean up other related data when deleting a notice

Site administration > Site Notice > Settings: "Clean up info related to the deleted notice" If the config is enabled (and "notice deletion" is also allowed), when deleting a notice, other records related to the notice in hyperlinks, hyperlinks history, acknowledgement, user last view will also be deleted.


Create new notice

Edit Notice (Requires "Allow notice update")

Disabled Notice

Reset Notice

Delete Notice (Requires "Allow notice deletion")

View/Download Notice Acknowledgement Report

View/Download Notice Dismiss Report

Crafted by Catalyst IT

This plugin was developed by Catalyst IT Australia:

Contributing and Support

Issues, and pull requests using github are welcome and encouraged!

If you would like commercial support or would like to sponsor additional improvements to this plugin please contact us: