catalystneuro / ndx-extracellular-channels

BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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ndx-extracellular-channels Extension for NWB

ndx-extracellular-channels is an extension of the NWB format to formally define information about neural probes as data types in NWB files. It comes with helper functions to easily construct ndx_extracellular_channels.Probe from probeinterface.Probe and vice versa.

It provides a new version of ElectricalSeries called ExtracellularSeries. Each ExtracellularSeries is associated with its own ChannelsTable that contains information about the channels and probe used to record the data. Each channel is mapped to contacts on the probe.

Use cases supported:

It encompasses SpikeInterface's ndx-probeinterface extension and started originally as @D1o0g9s's ndx-probe-interface extension.


(TODO publish to PyPI)

pip install ndx_extracellular_channels


Going from a probeinterface.Probe/ProbeGroup object to a ndx_extracellular_channels.Probe object

import ndx_extracellular_channels

pi_probe = probeinterface.Probe(...)
pi_probegroup = probeinterface.ProbeGroup()

# from_probeinterface always returns a list of ndx_extracellular_channels.Probe devices
ndx_probes1 = ndx_extracellular_channels.from_probeinterface(pi_probe)
ndx_probes2 = ndx_extracellular_channels.from_probeinterface(pi_probegroup)

ndx_probes = ndx_probes1.extend(ndx_probes2)

nwbfile = pynwb.NWBFile(...)

# add Probe as NWB Devices
for ndx_probe in ndx_probes:

Going from a ndx_extracellular_channels.Probe object to a probeinterface.Probe object

import ndx_extracellular_channels

# load ndx_extracellular_channels.Probe objects from NWB file
io = pynwb.NWBH5IO(file_path, "r")
nwbfile =

ndx_probes = []
for device in nwbfile:
    if isinstance(device, ndx_extracellular_channels.Probe):

# convert to probeinterface.Probe objects
pi_probes = []
for ndx_probe in ndx_probes:
    pi_probe = ndx_extracellular_channels.to_probeinterface(ndx_probe)

See src/pynwb/tests/ for a full example.


%%{init: {'theme': 'base', 'themeVariables': {'primaryColor': '#ffffff', "primaryBorderColor': '#144E73', 'lineColor': '#D96F32'}}}%%

    direction LR

    class ExtracellularSeries {

        data : numeric
        --> unit : str = "microvolts"
        channels : DynamicTableRegion
        --> target : ChannelsTable
        channel_conversion : List[float], optional
        --> axis : int = 1

    class ChannelsTable {
        name : str
        description : str
        probe : Probe
        position_reference : str, optional
        electrical_reference_description : str, optional
        ground : str, optional
        position_confirmation_method : str, optional

        id : VectorData[int]
        contact : DynamicTableRegion
        --> target : ContactsTable
        reference_contact :  DynamicTableRegion, optional
        --> target : ContactsTable
        filter : VectorData[str], optional
        ---> Strings such as "Bandpass 0-300 Hz".
        estimated_position_ap_in_mm : VectorData[float], optional
        estimated_position_ml_in_mm : VectorData[float], optional
        estimated_position_dv_in_mm : VectorData[float], optional
        estimated_brain_area : VectorData[str], optional
        confirmed_position_ap_in_mm : VectorData[float], optional
        confirmed_position_ml_in_mm : VectorData[float], optional
        confirmed_position_dv_in_mm : VectorData[float], optional
        confirmed_brain_area : VectorData[str], optional
        ... Any other custom columns, e.g., ADC information

    class ProbeInsertion {
        insertion_position_ap_in_mm : float, optional
        insertion_position_ml_in_mm : float, optional
        insertion_position_dv_in_mm : float, optional
        position_reference : str, optional
        hemisphere : Literal["left", "right"], optional
        insertion_angle_pitch_in_deg : float, optional
        insertion_angle_roll_in_deg : float, optional
        insertion_angle_yaw_in_deg : float, optional
        depth_in_um : float, optional

    namespace ProbeInterface {
        class Probe {

                identifier : str
                --> Usually the serial number
                probe_model : ProbeModel
                probe_insertion : ProbeInsertion, optional

            class ProbeModel {

                name : str
                manufacturer : str
                model : str
                ndim : int, optional
                planar_contour_in_um : List[Tuple[float, float], Tuple[float, float, float]], optional
                contacts_table : ContactsTable

            class ContactsTable {

                name : str
                description : str

                id : VectorData[int]
                relative_position_in_um : List[Tuple[float, float], Tuple[float, float, float]]
                contact_id : VectorData[str], optional
                shank_id : VectorData[str], optional
                plane_axes : List[Tuple[int, int], Tuple[int, int, int]], optional
                shape : VectorData[str], optional
                radius_in_um : VectorData[float], optional
                width_in_um : VectorData[float], optional
                height_in_um : VectorData[float], optional

    Probe *..> ProbeModel : links to probe_model
    Probe *--> ProbeInsertion: might contain ProbeInsertion
    ProbeModel *--> ContactsTable : contains
    ExtracellularSeries ..> ChannelsTable : links to channels
    ChannelsTable *..> Probe : links to probe
    ChannelsTable ..> ContactsTable : row reference to contact
    note for ChannelsTable "ChannelsTable is no longer global"

Ongoing work

Future plans

This extension was created using ndx-template.