catapam / investnest

Project 04 - Code Institute
1 stars 2 forks source link


Live project can be viewed here

InvestNest is a full-stack web application designed to help users manage their investment portfolios. The application allows users to create, manage, and track their investment portfolios while providing real-time data integration, user-friendly reports, and robust authentication mechanisms.

amiresponsive screenshot

Table of Contents

  1. Description
  2. User Experience
  3. Agile Methodology and Planning
  4. MoSCoW Methodology
  5. Sprint Length
  6. Reviews
  7. Data Structure
  8. Design
  9. Features
  10. How to Use
  11. Technology Used
  12. Deployment
  13. Testing
  14. Manual Testing
  15. Bugs
  16. Credits
  17. Acknowledgements


InvestNest is a comprehensive investment portfolio management system that provides users with the tools to monitor and manage their investments. It integrates with real-time market data sources to keep portfolio values updated and includes powerful reporting and analytics features.

User Experience

InvestNest is built with user experience at its core, providing intuitive navigation, clear feedback, and robust security features. Users can easily manage their portfolios, view detailed performance metrics, and customize their experience with personalized settings.

Agile Methodology and Planning


A total of 6 epics were designed for the project, with the project delivery focused on Epic 3. Each of Epics 1, 2, and 3 was executed in individual sprints. Epics 4, 5, and 6 are not planned for execution at this stage and are considered future expansions.

Epic 1: Project Setup and Initial Configuration

In this epic, the primary objective is to fully establish the Django front-end website, with comprehensive content management through the admin dashboard. Key deliverables include the creation of branding elements and the development of a functional, polished landing page that reflects the final version of the site. Additionally, this epic covers the initial setup, including the installation of essential Python modules and the configuration of testing parameters to ensure the front-end website operates smoothly.

User Stories

Epic 2: User Authentication and Authorization

This epic focuses on implementing a robust user authentication and authorization system. The goal is to enable secure user registration, login, and access management. Core tasks include integrating Django’s authentication framework, setting up user roles and permissions, and ensuring data security through encryption. By the end of this epic, the website will support secure user interactions, with role-based access control fully implemented.

User Stories

Epic 3: Portfolio Management (Project Delivery)

Epic 3 is the pivotal point of the project, where the primary delivery occurs. The focus is on delivering the project’s core functionality: a portfolio management system. This includes developing features that allow users to create, view, and manage their investment portfolios. Key aspects include data modeling, implementing portfolio tracking tools, and creating a user-friendly interface for portfolio management. This epic represents the main delivery milestone of the project, ensuring that the essential features are completed and ready for use.

User Stories

Epic 4: Real-Time Data Integration (Planned for Future Enhancements)

The goal of Epic 4 is to enhance the website with real-time data integration capabilities. This involves connecting the site to live data feeds, such as stock market updates, to provide users with up-to-date information. Tasks include setting up API connections, processing incoming data, and displaying it dynamically on the site. This epic is planned for future development, aiming to provide users with timely, relevant information that enhances their decision-making process.

User Stories

Epic 5: Reporting and Analytics (Planned for Future Enhancements)

In this epic, the focus shifts to developing advanced reporting and analytics features. The objective is to provide users with insightful data about their investments through customizable reports and visual analytics. Core tasks include implementing data aggregation, creating various report templates, and integrating interactive charts and graphs. This epic is planned for future enhancements to empower users with detailed insights into their investment performance.

User Stories

Epic 6: User Notifications (Planned for Future Enhancements)

The final initial epic involves setting up a comprehensive user notification system. This includes the ability to send email alerts, in-app notifications, and push notifications for critical events such as portfolio updates, market changes, or new investment opportunities. The goal is to keep users informed and engaged, ensuring they never miss important information. This epic is planned for future development and will focus on enhancing user interaction and engagement through timely and relevant notifications.

User Stories

MoSCoW Methodology

The first three epics and their stories are essential for the project delivery, providing all necessary features and expected standards. Therefore, most of these tasks are classified as 'Must Have' or 'Should Have.'

User stories are broken down into tasks, where each task is categorized as 'Must Have,' 'Should Have,' 'Could Have,' or 'Won’t Have.' Each task is also assigned a story point weight of 1, 2, or 4, reflecting the effort required to complete it.

The story point weight and MoSCoW priority of each task for the three sprints (Epics 1, 2, and 3) were carefully planned to allow flexibility in execution. 'Must Haves' do not exceed 60% of the sprint's total story points.

For documenting and visualization, the sprints were closed with undone tasks/stories, those are all non-'Must have' and would be moved to a future sprint. They were all place in backlog for now but kept inside the sprint for documentation purposes.

The details for each sprint are provided below:

Sprint/Epic 1

Story Point / MoSCoW Must Have Should Have Could Have
1 10 0 0
2 10 4 0
4 1 2 2
Total 34 16 8

Sprint/Epic 2

Story Point / MoSCoW Must Have Should Have Could Have
1 4 3 0
2 9 5 7
4 0 0 2
Total 22 13 22

Sprint/Epic 3

Story Point / MoSCoW Must Have Should Have Could Have
1 4 1 0
2 12 6 9
4 1 1 4
Total 32 17 34

Sprint Length

Based on the total story points, Sprints 1 and 2 were set to last 2 weeks each, while Sprint 3 was extended by an additional week, making it 3 weeks long.


Tasks and tickets were reviewed weekly. New tickets, such as bug reports, may have been incorporated into the planning, which sometimes resulted in the removal of tasks from sprints or adjustments to their MoSCoW priorities.

Data structure


InvestNest's design prioritizes a clean, user-friendly interface that supports easy navigation and data visibility. The application is structured to guide users through their investment management journey, offering clear and concise feedback at every step.

Key design principles include:

Color scheme

coolors screenshot



Wireframe home Wireframe Portfolio pages


Existing Features

Future Features

How to Use

  1. Register/Login: Users must register or log in to manage their portfolios.
  2. Create Portfolio: After logging in, users can create a new investment portfolio.
  3. Add Assets: Users can add various assets (stocks, bonds, etc.) to their portfolios.
  4. Monitor Performance: View the portfolio dashboard to monitor investment performance.
  5. Manage Settings: Customize user settings and notifications from the profile section.

Technology Used


Frameworks, Libraries, and Tools


To deploy the application on Heroku:

  1. Visit the Heroku website, log in, or create a new account.
  2. On the dashboard, click "New" and select "Create new app."
  3. Enter a unique app name and choose a region.
  4. Click "Create app."
  5. Navigate to the "Settings" tab and find "Config Vars."
  6. Click "Reveal Config Vars," add "PORT" as a key with the value "8000," and click "Add."
  7. Scroll down to the "Buildpacks" section, click "Add buildpack," and select "Python."
  8. Repeat step 7 to add "Node.js," ensuring "Python" is listed first.
  9. Scroll to the top and select the "Deploy" tab.
  10. Choose GitHub as the deployment method, then search for your repository and click "Connect."
  11. Scroll down and either "Enable Automatic Deploys" to update the code each time it is pushed to GitHub, or choose "Manual Deploy" for manual updates.


HTML, accessibility and performance

Page W3C Markup validator Wave accessibility Performance Acessibility Best practices SEO
Home Passed Passed M:92
401 Passed Passed M:98
404 Passed Passed M:95
Account / Login Passed Passed M:93
Account / Register Passed Passed M:96
Account / Logout Passed Passed M:90
Account / User edit Passed Passed M:94
Account / Email edit Passed Passed M:86
Account / Password change Passed Passed M:87
Account / Password reset Passed Passed M:88
Account / Password reset email sent Passed Passed M:96
Account / Reset password from email key Passed Passed M:97
Account / Confirmation email from email key Passed Passed M:94
Dashboard / Main Passed Passed M:93
Dashboard / Portfolio / Overview Passed Passed M:88
Dashboard / Portfolio / Create Portfolio Passed Passed M:90
Dashboard / Portfolio / Create Asset Passed Passed M:83
Dashboard / Portfolio / Delete confirmation Passed Passed M:90
Dashboard / Portfolio / Asset view Passed Passed M:86
Dashboard / Metrics Passed Passed M:95
Dashboard / Contact Passed Passed M:92
Dashboard / Operations Passed Passed M:95


File WC3 CSS validator
asset.css Level 3 + SVG
auth.css Level 3 + SVG
base.css Level 3 + SVG
dashboard.css Level 3 + SVG
error.css Level 3 + SVG
fonts.css Level 3 + SVG
footer.css Level 3 + SVG
home.css Level 3 + SVG
portfolio.css Level 3 + SVG
welcome.css Level 3 + SVG

Java Script

File JS hint ES6
asset.js Passed
base.js Passed
dashboard.js Passed
home.js Passed
portfolio_header.js Passed
portfolio.js Passed
sort_table.js Passed
transaction.js Passed


File PEP8 validator Passed
main/ Passed
main/ Passed
main/ Passed
main/ Passed
main/ Passed
main/ Passed
main/ Passed
main/ Passed
home/ Passed
home/ Passed
home/ Passed
home/ Passed
home/ Passed
home/ Passed
home/ Passed
account/ Passed
account/ Passed
account/ Passed
account/ Passed
account/ Passed
account/ Passed
account/ Passed
dashboard/ Passed
dashboard/ Passed
dashboard/ Passed
dashboard/ Passed
dashboard/ Passed
dashboard/ Passed
portfolio/templatetags/ Passed
portfolio/ Passed
portfolio/ Passed
portfolio/ Passed
portfolio/ Passed
portfolio/ Passed
portfolio/ Passed

Manual testing

Menu (logged out)

Location Test Expected result Actual result mobile Actual result desktop
Any page Click sandwich menu button Menu is shown as sort of drop down menu Passed N/a
Any page Click the logo/brand Scroll to Hero image section Passed Passed
Any page Select "Home" from navbar/sandwich menu Scroll to Hero image section Passed Passed
Any page Select "About" from navbar/sandwich menu Scroll to About section Passed Passed
Any page Select "Services" from navbar/sandwich menu Scroll to Services section Passed Passed
Any page Select "Pricing" from navbar/sandwich menu Scroll to Pricing section Passed Passed
Any page Select "Contact" from navbar/sandwich menu Scroll to Contact section Passed Passed
Any page Select "Contact" from navbar/sandwich menu Scroll to Contact section Passed Passed
Any page Select "Login" from navbar/sandwich menu Redirects to Login/Signin page Passed Passed
Any page Select "Register" from navbar/sandwich menu Redirects to Register/signup page Passed Passed


Location Test Expected result Actual result mobile Actual result desktop
Home Scroll down Menu activate and URL changes selection as the sections are passed N/a Passed
Home Click "View services" at the hero section Auto scroll to services section + URL changes Passed Passed
Home Click "Get in touch" at the About section Auto scroll to Contact section + URL changes Passed Passed
Home Click "Get in touch" at the About section Auto scroll to Contact section + URL changes Passed Passed
Home Click any cards at the Service section Card flips revealing more details about the service Passed Passed
Home Check cards at the Service section They are all the same size and only 3 are visible in the correct order as the DB Passed Passed
Home Check cards at the Service section They are all the same size and only 3 are visible Passed Passed
Home Click "Get started" at the first card on Pricing section Redirects to Register page Passed Passed
Home Click "Wait list" or "Get in touch" at the 2nd and 3rd cards on Pricing section Redirects to Contac section Passed Passed

Contact form

Location Test Expected result Actual result mobile Actual result desktop
Home Test with invalid data Submission is not allowed and alert is returned on the incorrect field Passed Passed
Home Test with valid data Submission goes through, reloads home page, scrolling back to top and showing a sucessful message on a pop-up at the top and also at the contact form location Passed Passed


Location Test Expected result Actual result mobile Actual result desktop
Any page Only visible at home page Scroll to the bottom of all pages and check if footer with social medias is visible Passed Passed
Home Test social media links When clicked opens a new tab of the respective social media, get's marked as active after clicked Passed Passed

Allauth frontend pages

Location Test Expected result Actual result mobile Actual result desktop
Login Click Signup from suggested hyperlink Redirects to Register/signup page Passed Passed
Login Submit invalid data Page reloads showing what was invalid Passed Passed
Login Submit valid data Redirect to Dashboard Main page and a Welcome popup shows up with the user name Passed Passed
Login Submit valid data, with selecting remember me option Same behavior as above, but user remains logged in even if page is closed Passed Passed
Login Click "Forgot Password" option Redirect to password reset page Passed Passed
Password reset request Submit valid user email address, test link received by email Redirects to "Password reset done" + Recovery email is sent with recovery link + Link redirects to "Password Reset with key" page Passed Passed
Password reset request Submit invalid/user-not-created email address, test link received by email Redirects to "Password reset done" + Recovery email is still sent, but informing the email address does not have an account and how to create one, link redirects to Register page Passed Passed
Register Click Signin from suggested hyperlink Redirects to Login/signin page Passed Passed
Register Submit invalid data, like email not having @ symbol, password too short or weak, password does not match Page reloads showing which fields are invalid and instructions of valid input Passed Passed
Register Submit valid data Redirects to Login page showing a popup infrming the confrmation email was sent Passed Passed
Confirmation email Click on the confirmation link first time Redirects to Confirmation page Passed Passed
Confirmation email Click on the confirmation after confirmation Redirects to Confirmation page informing the link is expired Passed Passed
Confirmation page Click on the confirmation button Redirects to Login page Passed Passed
Admin panel Open /admin URL If not logged as superuser, redirects to custom login page Passed Passed

General dashboard

Location Test Expected result Actual result mobile Actual result desktop
After login in Check redirects Correct page is loaded, "main" by defaul or specific page if requested pre-login, pop-up shows up welcoming user Passed Passed
Side menu Operations menu visibility Only visible if logged as Superuser or Staff Passed Passed
Side menu Admin menu visibility Only visible if logged as Superuser Passed Passed
Side menu Active state after selection Menu option should change background and border to make it merge with the main content area Passed Passed
Side menu Operations, Admin and logout location Those should always be alligned to the bottom of the screen Passed Passed
Side menu Other menu options location Those should always be alligned to the top of the screen Passed Passed
Side menu Collapsable Clicking the arrow button, should collapse/uncollpase Passed Passed
Side menu Collapse menu arrow View arrow changing directions depending on the state Passed Passed
Side menu Mobile starts collpased When loading from mobile the menu should start collpased, but uncollpasing stil works by clicking the arrow Passed N/a
Side menu Redirect when menu option is clicked Check if each menu redirects to the expected page according to files Passed Passed
Side menu Show status label (green or orange) Live sections are shown with green circle label, while in development sections are marked in orange Passed Passed

Allauth pages (logged in)

Location Test Expected result Actual result mobile Actual result desktop
Account / User Submit the user change using a unique name on the database Redirects to Main dashboard page and shows a pop-up confirming the change Passed Passed
Account / User Submit the user change using a name already in use Refreshes page showing the error on the form submission and error pop-up shows up informing the change was not made Passed Passed
Account / Email Add new unique email address Refreshes page showing a pop-up confirming the domain was added, email is sent to confirm email verification, email is populated to the list showing state unvirified Passed Passed
Account / Email Add new unique email address Refreshes page showing a pop-up confirming the domain was added, email is sent to confirm email verification, email is populated to the list showing state unvirified Passed Passed
Account / Email Add email address used on this account or any other on the database Shows error alert on the form informing about the email being already in use Passed Passed
Account / Email Change primary email address, by selecting a new email address on the list and clicking the "Make primary" button Refreshes page, show pop-up informing the change was completed or error in case it fails, updates the list to show the primary email address on the top and with the correct tag label associated Passed Passed
Account / Email Select email address from list and click re-send verification Refreshes page and shows pop-up informing the email was sent Passed Passed
Account / Email Select email address from list and click remove Confirmation pop-up asking for confrimation before proceeding, once confirmed the page refreshes and a pop-up shows up informing the action was completed, email is removed from database and list Passed Passed
Account / Password Submit with invalid data, either wrong 'current passowrd', unmatching 'new password' or invalid 'new password' (too weak) Page refreshes with form showing which details are incorrect Passed Passed
Account / Password Submit with valid data, correct 'current passowrd', matching 'new password' and valid new password format Page refreshes showing a pop-up confriming the change Passed Passed
Account / Password Click 'forgot password' Redirects to reset password pagem where email address is requested to send the reset email Passed Passed
Account / Password reset Same as non-logged in tests for this page - Passed Passed

Portfolio/Metrics Upper menu

Location Test Expected result Actual result mobile Actual result desktop
Any views Upper menu visuals The menu options are View, New and all the portoflios, each portfolio icon is colored according to the portfolio color, the portfolios are listed alphabetically Passed Passed
Any views Upper menu visuals When in mobile version only icons show on that menu, portfolio icons are differentiated by the color Passed Passed
Any views Upper menu visuals with many portfolios added When the number of portfolios do not fit the screen the upper menu becomes scrollable by using button added to the screen, the buttons work Passed Passed
Any views Upper menu visuals on hovering Green text should be applied to the item Passed Passed
Any views Upper menu visuals on active state Background collor should be applied Passed Passed
Any views Click View option Redirects to My Portfolio section, where all portfolios can be seen Passed Passed
Any views Click Add option Redirects to Create portfolio form Passed Passed
Any views Click Portfolio options Redirects to the selected portfolio page Passed Passed

Portfolio View

Location Test Expected result Actual result mobile Actual result desktop
Portfolio Title Add button appear besides My portfolio title Both the button and titel are correctly spaced and hover effect works on button Passed Passed
Portfolio List Check on new account with no portfolios added yet A message informs there are not portfolios created yet Passed Passed
Portfolio List Check on new account with some portfolios added All portfolios are listed showing a colored line on the far left side, the portfolio name and descriptio, and some stats, the stats are correctly calculated, the portfolios are listed alphabetically Passed Passed
Portfolio List Check on new account with some portfolios added Hover effect works N/a Passed
Portfolio Main content area Collapsing and uncollapsing the side menu No distortion, all data is correctly displayed yet, the main content area fills the screen Passed Passed
Portfolio Main content area Adding many portfolios Only the main content area becomes scrollable if the number of portfolios does not fit the screen, the scroll only happens vertically, no distortion after scrolling elements as displayed Passed Passed
Portfolio Add button Click Add option Redirects to Create portfolio form Passed Passed

Portfolio Create

Location Test Expected result Actual result mobile Actual result desktop
Title Styling check Title is correctly spaced, and the expected styling is applied Passed Passed
Name Try inserting input longer than 12 characteres Form should limit entry and stop allowing more characteres once 12 is reached Passed Passed
Name Try inserting input longer than 12 characteres Form should limit entry and stop allowing more characteres once 12 is reached Passed Passed
Description Try inserting input longer than characteres set to model Form should limit entry and stop allowing more characteres once is limit is reached Passed Passed
Portfolio color Initial value is randomized on refreshes After refreshing the page check the value applied to color, It should vary randomly Passed Passed
Portfolio color selector Click color selector and chose a new color Color input element updates accordingly Passed Passed
Cancel button Click Redirects back to previous page Passed Passed
Save button Click Creates portfolio and redirects to portfolio view page if data is valid, also shows up a pop-up informing the correct submition Passed Passed
Save button Click If data is invalid form refreshes and shows which data is invalid and why, this is generally only possible if the name is already in use on the same account Passed Passed
Save button Click Try adding a portfolio name that exists in another account, the portofolio is unique only within the user group, so form shoul be sumitted correctly Passed Passed

Portfolio Header (all inner portfolio views)

Location Test Expected result Actual result mobile Actual result desktop
Main element Layout view Element has proper height, covers the full width of the dashboard content area, uses proper spacing and margins, background color is the portfolio color Passed Passed
Main element Text elements view Color of text changes according to the background, being black if the background is too light for the default white Passed Passed
Portfolio action buttons Layout view Button as alligned to the far right of the header element, have the right colors and hover effects Passed Passed
Portfolio action buttons Display view If mobile, the the actions buttons are converted into a kebab menu button aligned to the top-right corner of the header element, the buttons get hidden if the side menu is not collapsed. If in wide screens, the menu is shown 2 on the first line and metric on the second line Passed Passed
Portfolio name Content check Name is correct according to database. Shown on the right side of "Portfolio" label in wide screens and below it in mobile Passed Passed
Portfolio description Content check Description is correct according to database. Shown below the description label Passed Passed
Portfolio stats Content check Stats are coorectly calculated and match the entries on the Portfolio Passed Passed
Metrics button Click Redirects to Metrics page of the same portfolio Passed Passed
Edit button Click Transforms header into a form where button to switch color replaces the metrics button, save replaces the edit, cancel replaces delete Passed Passed
Cancel button Click Transforms header back to non-editable element Passed Passed
Save button Click Submit the changes and a pop-up shows up informing about the change Passed Passed
Delete button Click Redirect to deletion confirmation page Passed Passed

Portfolio Details view

Location Test Expected result Actual result mobile Actual result desktop
Title Styling check Color, layout, font and spacing is accrding with the project layout Passed Passed
Add asset button Styling check Color, layout, font and spacing is accrding with the project layout, hover effect works Passed Passed
Main content area Check when there is no assets still added Message should show instead of any assets, advising there are no assets Passed Passed
Main content area Check when there is some assets Search bar shows at the top, table with all assets is shown with filters for each column, the totals match the transactions added to the asset, total of whole portfolio is shown at the end of the table Passed Passed
Main content area Check when there is some assets, in mobile In order to fit the table and good visualization the table is overlapped to the right and horizontal scrolling is activated Passed N/a
Search bar Test text and number inputs Search will check on all columns contents and hide any lines that do not match the search Passed Passed
Asset actions Click the asset line on the table or the View icon Redirects to Asset view page Passed Passed
Asset actions Click Delete button Redirect to deletion confirmation page Passed Passed

Add asset/transaction form

Location Test Expected result Actual result mobile Actual result desktop
General Layout check Layout is according to the rest of the dashboard, well spaced and does not overflow out of the screen, colors are correct Passed Passed
Asset selector Page is requested as Add asset Asset comes with default value equal to --- so user has to select an asset from the list or select 'New asset' Passed Passed
Asset selector Page is requested as Add transaction Asset comes with default value equal to asset where the page was requested from Passed Passed
Asset selector New asset is selected Selector stops being a drop down menu and now accepts text input Passed Passed
Asset selector Max lenght Form does not allow input longer than 8 characteres Passed Passed
Type and Action toggles Click Color changes and selector moves to the other option Buy/sell or Long/short Passed Passed
Quantity and price Input invalid characteres Input characteres like special or letters, the form should not accept them and field remain empty until number is input Passed Passed
Quantity and price Input valid characteres Input numbers of varied lenghts, if it's too long form will fail submission and show a popup of the issue, if valid the form will accept submission Passed Passed
Date Type value Typing only accepts characteres that fit in the pattern Passed Passed
Date Select from calendar Clicking the calendar icon opens a calendar pop-up where the date can be easily selected Passed Passed
Cancel button Click Redirects to previous page Passed Passed
Add transaction button Click If valid inputs: Creates asset if non-existent, saves transaction and redirect to the asset view page Passed Passed
Add transaction button Click If invalid inputs: Refreshes the page advising what is wrong Passed Passed

Delete confirmation page

Location Test Expected result Actual result mobile Actual result desktop
General Layout check It matches the rest of the project, is consistent, aligned correctly and using right fonts and sizes Passed Passed
Confirmation message Check content It changes accordingly if transaction, asset or porfolio is being deleted Passed Passed
Confirmation button Click Deletes accordingly transaction, asset or porfolio. Also deletes any child elements (example deleting asset deletes also all transactions within it), redirects to parent page (if delete asset redirects to Portfolio view), and shows a popup confirming the sucess Passed Passed
Cancel button Click Redirects back to previous page Passed Passed

Asset details view

Location Test Expected result Actual result mobile Actual result desktop
General Check layout The page is responsive, layout consistent with rest of project, spacing, sizing and color all fit well Passed Passed
Buttons Hover effect All buttons show a color change when hovered over Passed Passed
'All' button Click Redirect back to portfolio view, where all assets can be seen Passed Passed
Asset - Edit button at asset header line Click Asset name becomes editable, edit button and delete are replace with save and cancel, while 'all' button is hidden Passed Passed
Asset - name and save button Rename Saving asset with new name refreshes the page an shows a popup advising the asset has been updated Passed Passed
Asset - cancel button Click Edit mode is cancelled and view mode is restored, no changes are made Passed Passed
Asset - delete button Click Redirects to 'Confirm deletion' page Passed Passed
Transactions content area Layout check Table is well aligned and sized, buttons show with good distribution through the table, all rows have their own buttons, transactions are ordered by date with newest trasanction at the top Passed Passed
Transactions - add button Click Redirects to transaction form, and brings the asset name, setting it as default on the form, but still allowing change Passed Passed
Transactions - delete button Click Redirects to 'Confirm deletion' page Passed Passed
Transactions - edit button Click All columns for the transaction become editable, edit button and delete are replace with save and cancel, table maintain the proportions Passed Passed
Transactions - cancel button Click Edit mode is cancelled and view mode is restored, no changes are made Passed Passed
Transactions - save button Click All changes are made to the transaction, page refreshes updating the totals at the Portfolio header, and a popup confirms the changes were made Passed Passed

Main / Welcome

Location Test Expected result Actual result mobile Actual result desktop
Main Check layout on mobile and desktop The page is responsive and text sizes are proportional Passed Passed
Main Check cards size and placement Cards should be correctly spaces, keep good proportions, responsive (2 columns on wide screens, 2 rows in mobile) Passed Passed
Main Click button 'Go to portfolio' Redirects to Portfolio Overview page Passed Passed
Main Click button 'Go to account' Redirects to Account User edit page Passed Passed


Location Test Expected result Actual result mobile Actual result desktop
Main Check layout on mobile and desktop The page is responsive and text sizes are proportional Passed Passed


Location Test Expected result Actual result mobile Actual result desktop
Main Check layout on mobile and desktop The page is responsive and text sizes are proportional Passed Passed


Location Test Expected result Actual result mobile Actual result desktop
Main Check layout on mobile and desktop The page is responsive and text sizes are proportional Passed Passed


During tests the following bugs were found

Bug Replication Troubleshooting Fix
Sending emails blocked by receiver Trying to reset password or confirm email Checked error returned by email of receiver blocking it, which pointed to the fix Issue was related to the domain used on the email setup, changing it to a default GMAIL address fixed it. Other workarounds would include DMARC record added to the DNS setup of the domain linked to the email address used, as that was not achievable at this point, the first fix was implemented
Menu for Porfolio header options would break collapse state when resizing Changing the size of screen after activating the collpased state, would make the collpased menu get stuck Checked the function and calls to it to make sure the resizing event was triggering the change too The function was not being called on resizeing events, adding it fixed the feature
Clicking the asset delete button causes 500 error Click the delete asset button on any of the pages, all other delete buttons do not have any issues During troubleshooting the Debug logs pointed to an issue on the portfolio-menu-wide element, delete portfolio button. The view fails to pass a portfolio pk value on that specific request, passing an empty value and causing the error The issue was with the context being passed from delete_asset request, which was breaking the portfolio header buttons as was empty, once the value was correctly set on the file that did the trick



Two youtube videos were of grand relevance as guidance for coding:

