catinsurance / Repentogon-Discord-Rich-Presence

A DLL Mod for Repentogon that adds Discord rich presence to TBOI Repentance
MIT License
7 stars 1 forks source link

Repentogon Discord Rich Presence

A DLL Mod for Repentogon that adds Discord rich presence to TBOI Repentance

This mod requires Repentogon to run.


This is a DLL mod! For your safety, only download the mod off of this Github repository.

DLL mods have the same level of capability as any Lua mod does with the --luadebug launch parameter.

This means that DLL mods are ran without a sandboxed environment and can do anything they want to your PC. For your own safety, please be cautious about downloading mods that require you to add any .dll file to your game's directory. This repository by catinsurance is the only place you can download this mod.

How to install

Head over to the latest release here, and install the .zip file under the Assets dropdown menu.

Releases page

Then, unzip the file in your Isaac's root directory. Not your mods folder! The same directory/folder where your isaac-ng.exe resides. When updating, you can safely replace the old files with the new ones.

Dragging the files from zip to game directory

How to uninstall

zhlIsaacDiscord.dll is the core of the mod, and deleting it will delete the mod and the code that loads the other files. If you'd like to fully uninstall, delete zhlIsaacDiscord.dll, discord_game_sdk.dll and isaac-discord-scripts in your game's root directory (where isaac-ng.exe resides).

If you'd like to delete the config file and any other save data, head over to where the game stores your save data (typically Documents/My Games/Binding of Isaac Repentance/ on Windows), and delete the folder DiscordRichPresence. You can also find the mod's options.ini here, if you just wanted to edit it manually.

Fun screenshots

The mod working in game, on the title screen, and in different difficulties.

The configuration menu in game.