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[BUG] Error showing GFP data in ACh FIBSEM volume: issues with pixi layer #2217

Open acardona opened 2 years ago

acardona commented 2 years ago

Attempting to render an LSM volume in the StackViewer shows:

pixi.js-lib.665e050c34ee.js:9 WebGL: INVALID_OPERATION: uniformMatrix3fv: location is not from current program

Online I found this is related to lack of gl.useProgram before calling the function. Has anything changed in the StackViewer recently?

See this error with chromium-browser in the ACh FIBSEM volume, loading the GFP stack into a new viewer.

acardona commented 2 years ago

A possible cause is a 404:

Screenshot from 2022-04-12 11-42-47

acardona commented 2 years ago

The issue may be that the URL is for "s1" of the N5:

... but in disk, it doesn't exist: only s0 exists.

So why, if the admin pages for the LSM GFP stack says only scale level 0 exists, is pixi requesting the s1?

clbarnes commented 2 years ago

I don't think any of those 404s are related:

I can't see any recent changes to the stack viewer, but will look into it.

aschampion commented 2 years ago

As a data point: the stack loads fine for me in Firefox 98. Could be a difference in WebGL2 between Chromium and FF (I don't have LMB proxy setup on Chrome to test)?

clbarnes commented 2 years ago

I can view it fine on Chromium, using the external stack mirrors (instance:, project: 1123 (ACh), stacks -> *Ach* -> add to viewer -> set max to 1024).

acardona commented 2 years ago

For me, neither internal nor external mirrors show anything other than black at 0-1024 display range.

On Apr 12, 2022, at 3:07 PM, Chris Barnes @.***> wrote:

 I can view it fine on Chromium, using the external stack mirrors (instance:, project: 1123 (ACh), stacks -> Ach -> add to viewer -> set max to 1024).

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tomka commented 2 years ago

@acardona, what Chrome/Chromium or Firefox version do you use? I too can load the external mirror in Chromium without issue (version 99.0.4844.74) and see the data when I set the max to 1024 as @clbarnes said. I do see the s1 related 404 as well, so this can't be the issue.

What GPU do you have in use and do you have the chance to try this on another computer to see if it works there?

tomka commented 2 years ago

Unlikely that this has an effect on the behavior you see, but the MIME type error in the console log can be resolved by adding this to your Nginx configuration (or add it to an already imported types file) as part of the http block:

types {
    application/wasm wasm;