catmaid / CATMAID

Collaborative Annotation Toolkit for Massive Amounts of Image Data
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Adding layers to existing project #2264

Open SanjaJasek opened 1 month ago

SanjaJasek commented 1 month ago

We created a project, and after a lot of tracing we realized that we didn't record broken slices. So catmaid doesn't know that there should be a gap in the middle of the stack, and distances are wrong. How can we fix this? For images it's easy - just renumber folders, and enter broken slices into catmaid. But what about the traces? Can they easily be moved?

acardona commented 1 month ago

Hi Sanja, There isn't, as far as I know, a point-and-click way to do this. One way to do it is to use psql and directly write an SQL command that, for every coordinate with Z larger than that of a single broken slice, would increase the value of its Z dimension as needed. Another way to do this is from a python script run from the ipython prompt that gives you access to django and its postgres backend, to do the same. Let's leave this issue open as a reminder that there should be a UI on the admin side to address this problem of not having configured broken slices ahead of tracing. Albert