causalNLP / cladder

We develop benchmarks and analysis tools to evaluate the causal reasoning abilities of LLMs.
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CLadder: Assessing Causal Reasoning in Language Models

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This repo contains the full CLadder dataset (and code) for evaluating (formal) causal reasoning in language models. The dataset asks yes/no questions in natural language that generally require statistical and causal inference to answer.

Although there are several different variants, the main dataset (including questions from all variants) is cladder-v1-balanced.json, so that is the recommended file to use for most purposes.

Our NeurIPS 2023 paper:

"CLadder: Assessing Causal Reasoning in Language Models" by Zhijing Jin*, Yuen Chen*, Felix Leeb*, Luigi Gresele*, Ojasv Kamal, Zhiheng Lyu, Kevin Blin, Fernando Gonzalez, Max Kleiman-Weiner, Mrinmaya Sachan, Bernhard Schölkopf.


    author = {Zhijing Jin and Yuen Chen and Felix Leeb and Luigi Gresele and Ojasv Kamal and Zhiheng Lyu and Kevin Blin and Fernando Gonzalez and Max Kleiman-Weiner and Mrinmaya Sachan and Bernhard Sch{\"{o}}lkopf},
    title = "{CL}adder: {A}ssessing Causal Reasoning in Language Models",
    year = "2023",
    booktitle = "NeurIPS",
    url = "",


Data Usage

You can download our data either from huggingface (, or in our repo.

In our data, each sample represents a single question. Each question has the following fields:

Prompting the Model

When evaluating a language model, it is recommended that the prompt includes 3 components:

  1. The background field of the model corresponding to the question (found in cladder-v1-meta-models.json using the model_id field of the question's metadata).
  2. The given_info field of the question.
  3. The question field of the question.


For example, the prompt corresponding to question 16825 (which asks about the average treatment effect for a simple instrumental variable setting) in cladder-v1-balanced.json could be:

Imagine a self-contained, hypothetical world with only the following conditions, and without any unmentioned factors or causal relationships: Unobserved confounders has a direct effect on education level and salary. Proximity to a college has a direct effect on education level. Education level has a direct effect on salary. Unobserved confounders is unobserved.

For people living far from a college, the probability of high salary is 35%. For people living close to a college, the probability of high salary is 53%. For people living far from a college, the probability of college degree or higher is 40%. For people living close to a college, the probability of college degree or higher is 73%.

Will college degree or higher decrease the chance of high salary?

Here the correct answer is no. The associated reasoning steps found in the reasoning field are:

Step 0: Let V2 = proximity to a college; V1 = unobserved confounders; X = education level; Y = salary.

Step 1: V1->X,V2->X,V1->Y,X->Y

Step 2: E[Y | do(X = 1)] - E[Y | do(X = 0)]

Step 3: [P(Y=1|V2=1)-P(Y=1|V2=0)]/[P(X=1|V2=1)-P(X=1|V2=0)]

Step 4: P(Y=1 | V2=0) = 0.35; P(Y=1 | V2=1) = 0.53; P(X=1 | V2=0) = 0.40; P(X=1 | V2=1) = 0.73

Step 5: (0.53 - 0.35) / (0.73 - 0.40) = 0.55

Solution: 0.55 > 0

Note that in addition to the background field, the model information found in cladder-v1-meta-models.json contains sufficient information to fully reconstruct the underlying causal model used to generate this question (and 59 others).

Dataset Statistics

Here are some basic statistics for the main dataset (cladder-v1-balanced.json).

Number of questions: 10,112 Answers: {"yes": 5,056, "no": 5,056}

Query Types:

Query Type Rung Code Number Percent
Correlation 1 correlation 1422 14.1%
Marginal Distribution 1 marginal 1580 15.6%
Expaining Away Effect 1 exp_away 158 1.6%
Average Treatment Effect 2 ate 1422 14.1%
Backdoor Adjustment Set 2 backadj 1580 15.6%
Collider Bias 2 collider_bias 158 1.6%
Effect of the Treatment on the Treated 3 ett 1264 12.5%
Natural Direct Effect 3 nde 316 3.1%
Natural Indirect Effect 3 nie 790 7.8%
Counterfactual (deterministic) 3 det-counterfactual 1422 14.1%

Graph Types:

Graph Type Number Percent
IV 790 7.8%
arrowhead 1264 12.5%
chain 1106 10.9%
collision 632 6.2%
confounding 948 9.4%
diamond 1106 10.9%
diamondcut 948 9.4%
fork 948 9.4%
frontdoor 1106 10.9%
mediation 1264 12.5%

Data Variants

If you want to dig a little deeper into understanding how well language models perform causal reasoning, we also include a few variants of the dataset (each of which contains about 10k questions, and the balanced dataset is made up of an even mix of these variants):

Code Setup

To use the codes in this repo, first clone this repo:

git clone
cd causalbenchmark

Then, install the dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Finally, install the package:

pip install -e .

Check to make sure everything is setup correctly by running the unit tests:


Code Usage: Data Generation

Generate demo data using

fig generate demo

Checkout the corresponding config file here.

And the script which is implemented in - the function generate_and_store.

Also, you can run the unit tests with


Code Usage: Data Generation

Check the eval/ folder for all the run_*.py code files in to see how to run different LLMs in inference mode on our data.

Output Files

We saved a copy of all model output files, which you can access here.

Thanks again for your interest in our work! Feel free to post a github issue if you have any questions.