cavazos-lab / PolyBench-ACC

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Copyright (c) 2012-2014 University of Delaware



This benchmark suite is partially derived from the PolyBench benchmark suite developed by Louis-Noel Pouchet and available at

If using this work, please cite the following paper:

Scott Grauer-Gray, Lifan Xu, Robert Searles, Sudhee Ayalasomayajula, and John Cavazos. Auto-tuning a High-Level Language Targeted to GPU Codes. Proceedings of Innovative Parallel Computing (InPar '12), 2012.

Paper download:

Available Benchmarks





[*] - not available for CUDA or OpenCL

Environment Configuration


  1. Set up PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variables to point to CUDA installation
  2. Run make in target folder(s) with codes to generate executable(s)
  3. Run the generated executable file(s).


  1. Set up PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variables to point to OpenCL installation
  2. Set location of SDK in file in utilities folder (in OpenCL directory)
  3. Run make in target folder(s) to generate executable(s)
  4. Run the generated executable file(s).

HMPP (CAPS Compiler)

  1. Set up PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variables to point to CUDA/OpenCL installation
  2. Set up HMPP/OpenACC environment variables with source or
  3. Run make exe in target folder(s) with codes to generate executable(s)
  4. Run the generated executable file(s).

OpenACC (RoseACC)

  1. Set up PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variables for RoseACC (see RoseACC's Getting Started)
  2. Run make exe in target folder(s) with codes to generate executable(s)
  3. Run the generated executable file(s).

Modifying Codes

Parameters such as the input sizes, data type, and threshold for GPU-CPU output comparison can be modified using constants within the codes and .h files. After modifying, run make clean then make on relevant code for modifications to take effect in resulting executable.

Parameter Configuration:

Input Size:

By default the STANDARD_DATASET as defined in the .cuh/.h file is used as the input size. The dataset choice can be adjusted from STANDARD_DATASET to other options (MINI_DATASET, SMALL_DATASET, etc) in the .cuh/.h file, the dataset size can be adjusted by defining the input size manually in the .cuh/.h file, or the input size can be changed by simply adjusting the STANDARD_DATASET so the program has different input dimensions.

RUN_ON_CPU (in .cu/.c files):

Declares if the kernel will be run on the accelerator and CPU (with the run-time for each given and the outputs compared) or only on the accelerator. By default, RUN_ON_CPU is defined so the kernel is run on both the accelerator and the CPU to make it easy to compare accelerator/CPU outputs and run-times. Commenting out or removing the #define RUN_ON_CPU statement and re-compiling the code will cause the kernel to only be run on the accelerator.

DATA_TYPE (in .cuh/.h files):

By default, the DATA_TYPE used in these codes are float that can be changed to double by changing the DATA_TYPE typedef. Note that in OpenCL, the DATA_TYPE needs to be changed in both the .h and .cl files, as the .cl files contain the kernel code and is compiled separately at run-time.


The PERCENT_DIFF_ERROR_THRESHOLD refers to the percent difference (0.0-100.0) that the GPU and CPU results are allowed to differ and still be considered "matching"; this parameter can be adjusted for each code in the input code file.

OPENCL_DEVICE_SELECTION (in .c files for OpenCL)

Declares the type of accelerator to use for running the OpenCL kernel(s).

Other available options

These are passed as macro definitions during compilation time (e.g -Dname_of_the_option) or can be added with a #define to the code.


The following contributions have been made to this benchmark suite by the following people:


This work was funded in part by the U.S. National Science Foundation through the NSF Career award 0953667 and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency through the DARPA Computer Science Study Group (CSSG).