caxerx / PoEHarvestPlanner

The Sacred Grove Planner for Path of Exile Harvest League
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Feature Requests / Suggestions #19

Open PhysicalMagic opened 4 years ago

PhysicalMagic commented 4 years ago

Great tool. The improvements you've made with the tool so far are great. I've got some suggestions / requests.

- Being able to chance the color of the terrain. While green is a good repesentive colour for the farm, I would prefer using greyscales for all the non-element tiles, as it would make the elements stand out more, and make the farm easier to scan/read while recreating it in game. This could be done with having multiple premade themes, or being able to change the color of individual items.

- A slider to control the area opacity of each individual element (Pylon Area/Collector Area/Disperser Area). If you're planning pylons and turn on the area indicator opacity, it quickly becomes quite a mess. It would be nice to decrease the opacity of the pylons without decreasing that of the collectors and dispersers.

- Being able to show/preview the area of elements on the current selected tile. It would be nice to be able to switch between no area,pylon area,collector/disperser area of the current selected tile with a hotkey. When placing pylons I don't really need to see the area of all the other pylons, only what the reach is of the area I'm planning to put a pylon on.

- A slider for the outlines opacity seperate from the background opacity of each individual element. This would enable to only show oulines of dispersers, and only background of collectors, or visa versa. Also this would enable to only show the outlines of pylons, while making the background fully transparent, if you use a lot of pylons, the background opacity stacks, so even with low opacity, it can currently get quite bright.

caxerx commented 4 years ago

Thanks you for the suggestion and details explain. For the slider of individual element, it's planned and will be implement it soon. For other feature, I think it's nice to have and they will be added to the visual improvement plan ;)

PhysicalMagic commented 4 years ago

After using the tool some more, I've come up with a couple more ideas. I might as well just post them here, you might find them useful:

Selecting different types with set keys (like QWE) instead of scrolling with Alt. A lot of the times I want to switch a color, I have to look at the left bar and press Alt till the right colour is selected. When you use set keys for each colour (for example Q for purple, W for yellow and E for blue), it's easier to switch colours without checking if you've got the right colour selected all the time, because of muscle memory. Q P will always be a purple pylon for example, right now it's P / Alt P / Alt Alt P, depending on which color you have currently selected.

Being able to connect the pylons by holding down a key using the arrow keys Select a pylon, hold down a key, use the arrow keys while holding the key, move to another pylon and release the key to connect the pylons. (much like someone else suggested you to be able to move objects, which could be done the same way but with holding another key, moving with arrow keys and then releasing).

Glad to help! If I've got any more idea's, I'll just post them, they maybe might be useful.

caxerx commented 4 years ago

Thanks for more suggestion, will try to work on this too!

caxerx commented 4 years ago

Now version deployed

PhysicalMagic commented 4 years ago

I've just checked out the changes. They're great! Really awesome job! This tool is just getting better and better.

caxerx commented 4 years ago

Thank you for your support!

caxerx commented 4 years ago

Deployed a new version that you can connection the element only with keyboard. Just select an element, then hold Ctrl and use arrow key to connect element.