.. image:: https://readthedocs.org/projects/sqlalchemy-jsonapi-collections/badge/?version=latest :target: http://sqlalchemy-jsonapi-collections.readthedocs.org/en/latest/?badge=latest :alt: Documentation Status .. image:: https://circleci.com/gh/caxiam/sqlalchemy-jsonapi-collections.svg?style=shield&circle-token=c2672a37e539b7cedb010c358cdb3d48eb781dbe :target: https://circleci.com/gh/caxiam/sqlalchemy-jsonapi-collections .. image:: https://codeclimate.com/github/caxiam/sqlalchemy-jsonapi-collections/badges/gpa.svg :target: https://codeclimate.com/github/caxiam/sqlalchemy-jsonapi-collections :alt: Code Climate .. image:: https://coveralls.io/repos/github/caxiam/sqlalchemy-jsonapi-collections/badge.svg?branch=master :target: https://coveralls.io/github/caxiam/sqlalchemy-jsonapi-collections?branch=master :alt: Code Coverage
A JSON:API URL parameter handling library.
Due to the amiguous nature of application structure jsonapiquery aims to provide core building blocks and simple defaults which can be expanded to fill a variety of usecases. Before you can implement jsonapiquery, you must provide several key components:
Below are several examples where you can gleam how a sample implementation would work.
Database Layer
.. code-block:: python
import flask
import jsonapiquery
query, _ = jsonapiquery.filter_query(query, flask.request.args, DRIVERS)
query, _ = jsonapiquery.sort_query(query, flask.request.args, DRIVERS)
query, _ = jsonapiquery.include_query(query, flask.request.args, DRIVERS)
query, _ = jsonapiquery.paginate_query(query, flask.request.args, DRIVERS)
Serialization Layer
By default, jsonapiquery provides "included" and "links" serialization. "included" serialization has a hard dependency on the driver you use.
.. code-block:: python
from flask import request
import jsonapiquery
# Construct your query and count the number of rows found prior to pagination.
query = ...
total = query.count()
query, includes = jsonapiquery.include_query(query, request.args, DRIVERS)
query, paginators = jsonapiquery.paginate_query(query, request.args, DRIVERS)
# Fetch your models and serailize them *somehow*. How you serialize is outside the
# scope of this library.
models = query.all()
result = jsonapi_serialize(models)
# Serialize JSON:API metadata.
metadata = {
'included': jsonapiquery.serialize_includes(includes, result),
'links': jsonapiquery.make_pagination_links(request.base_url, paginators, request.args, total),
'meta': {'total': total}
Builtin Drivers
jsonapiquery comes with generic "sqlalchemy" and "marshmallow-jsonapi" drivers. These drivers can be used to quickly integrate jsonapiquery into your project. These drivers can also serve as guides when creating your own custom drivers.
.. code-block:: python
from jsonapiquery.drivers.schema import DriverSchemaMarshmallow
schema_driver = DriverSchemaMarshmallow(MySchema(only=('id', 'field_name')))
from jsonapiquery.drivers.model import DriverModelSQLAlchemy
model_driver = DriverModelSQLAlchemy(MyModel)
# Construct a list of your drivers (of any length -- depending on your usecase).
# The drivers are ordered by their precedence. In this example, the schema driver
# must run before the model driver.
DRIVERS = [schema_driver, model_driver]
# Elsewhere in your code you'll want to implement a custom query driver. This query
# driver is necessary to execute the necessary filters, sorts, and joins.
class Query(jsonapiquery.database.sqlalchemy.QueryMixin, sqlalchemy.orm.Query):
Custom Drivers
Refer to "jsonapiquery/drivers/model/" and "jsonapiquery/drivers/schema/" for pre-built driver definitions. These drivers can be useful in understanding the inner function of the jsonapiquery library.
.. code-block:: python
import jsonapiquery
class MyModelDriver(jsonapiquery.drivers.DriverBase):
def parse_attribute(self, attribute_name, model, type):
"""Parse attribute types in this method.
:params attribute_name (str): The string name of a model attribute.
:params model: A database schema definition type.
:params type: A namedtuple containing a set of attributes (they vary
depending on the URI parameter type). Upon calling the "parse"
method which itself calls this method, the tuple will be
rewritten to contain the data generated within this method.
raise NotImplementedError
def parse_relationship(self, relationship_name, model, type):
raise NotImplementedError
For more information visit: http://sqlalchemy-jsonapi-collections.readthedocs.org/en/latest/
pip install git+git://github.com/caxiam/sqlalchemy-jsonapi-collections.git
Tested with Python 3.6.4
Apache Version 2.0