cayek / TESS3

GNU General Public License v2.0
8 stars 3 forks source link

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TESS3 is a fast and efficient program for estimating spatial population structure based on geographically constrained non-negative matrix factorization and population genetics.

TESS3 can be used on Mac, Linux or Windows through the command-line interface or in R software environment thanks to the R package.

The R package is in development, you can only download the Beta release.

TESS3 Command-line software

Command-line software installation

We provide cmake file to compile the command-line software code. You need to download the master source directory here.

The first step is to generate compilation build environment to compile source code using cmake (can be install here).

    mkdir build/
    cd build
    cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=release ../

Then, you can build the program.

    cd build/
    make TESS3

Command-line software documentation

The Command-line program documentation is available here.

tess3r R package

Beta release !

R package installation

You can install the R package directly from the github repository thanks to the package devtools. If you don't already have devtools R package you can install it from CRAN. In a R session paste this command:


Then, you can install the package. In a R session paste this command:


R package documentation

The R package documentation is available here.

R package tutorials.


The repository is organized as follows: