cbarcala23 / homework10

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Chris Barcala's Software Team Generator - Homework Assignment 10


The user is prompted with options to generate a team by picking a Manager, Engineer, or Intern. Depending on the role chosen, the user is prompted with certain questions such as name, id, email, github account for Engineer, office number for Manager, school for Intern. The information is then processed and appended to an HTML file to display the team.

How it works

1. Within the working directory, run 'npm install'.
2. Then run 'node app.js'.
3. It prompts you to choose a role between Manager, Engineer, Intern.
4. It prompts for specific info based on the role you chose.
5. It then asks if you want to add another team member.
6. If Yes is chosen, you go through picking another role and answering questions.
7. If No is chosen, the application finishes and generates the HTML file with all team members.

Contact Info

Christopher Barcala github: cbarcala23

Link to Site

Style Sheet / HTML to be generated




HTML Location



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