cbess / CBIntrospector

Visual Debugging Tool. Compatible with the desktop app, View Introspector. Simply, it's a UIView hierarchy viewer library.
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Download View Introspector

Introspector is a small set of tools for iOS 6+ and the iOS Simulator that aid in debugging user interfaces built with UIKit. It's especially useful for UI layouts that are dynamically created or can change during runtime, or for tuning performance by finding non-opaque views or views that are re-drawing unnecessarily. It's designed for use in the iOS simulator, but can also be used on a device.

Introspect Demo Image

View Introspector Screenshot

Download View Introspector

It uses keyboard shortcuts to handle starting, ending and other commands. It can also be invoked via an app-wide UIGestureRecognizer if it is to be used on the device.



Before you start make sure the DEBUG environment variable is set. CBIntrospect will not run without that set to prevent it being left in for production use.

Add the CBIntrospect class files to your project, add the QuartzCore framework if needed. To start:

[window makeKeyAndDisplay]

// always call after makeKeyAndDisplay.
    [[CBIntrospect sharedIntrospector] start];

The #if to target the simulator is not required but is a good idea to further prevent leaving it on in production code.

Once setup, simply push the space bar to invoke the introspect or then start clicking on views to get info. You can also tap and drag around the interface.

Provide custom name of the view:

- (void)viewDidLoad
    [super viewDidLoad];

    // provide custom names for use by the View Introspector desktop app and console output
    [[CBIntrospect sharedIntrospector] setName:@"myActivityIndicator" forObject:self.activityIndicator accessedWithSelf:YES];
    [[CBIntrospect sharedIntrospector] setNameForViewController:self];

Use Interface Builder to set the custom name of the view:

IB Screenshot

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions
    // must be set before any nib is called
    [CBIntrospect setIntrospectorKeyName:@"introspectorName"];

A small demo app is included to test it out.

Selected keyboard shortcuts

Logging selected views properties

Pushing p will log out the available properties about the selected view. CBIntrospect will try to make sense of the values it can and show more useful info. An example from a UISegmentedControl:

** UISegmentedControl:0x6d5eca0 : UIControl : UIView : UIResponder : NSObject ** 

  ** UIView properties **
    tag: 0
    frame: {{20, 66}, {207, 30}} | bounds: {{0, 0}, {207, 30}} | center: {123.5, 81}
    transform: [1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0]
    autoresizingMask: UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleRightMargin | UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleBottomMargin
    autoresizesSubviews: YES
    contentMode: UIViewContentModeScaleToFill | contentStretch: {{0, 0}, {1, 1}}
    backgroundColor: nil
    alpha: 1.00 | opaque: NO | hidden: NO | clipsToBounds: NO | clearsContextBeforeDrawing: YES
    userInteractionEnabled: YES | multipleTouchEnabled: NO
    gestureRecognizers: nil
    superview: <UIView: 0x6d4e820; frame = (0 20; 320 460); autoresize = W+H; layer = <CALayer: 0x6d4e8a0>>
    subviews: 2 views [<UISegment: 0x6d5f680>, <UISegment: 0x6d5ef90>]

  ** UISegmentedControl properties **
    removedSegment: nil
    segmentedControlStyle: 2
    numberOfSegments: 2
    apportionsSegmentWidthsByContent: NO
    selectedSegmentIndex: 0
    tintColor: nil

  ** Targets & Actions **

Customizing Key Bindings

Edit the file DCIntrospectSettings.h to change key bindings. You might want to change the key bindings if your using a laptop/wireless keyboard for development. Keep in mind you can use the View Introspector desktop app to interact with the UIView objects as well, and even call methods on the selected view using the View Messenger (see screenshot).


Made available under the MIT License.

CBIntrospector and DCIntrospect to CBIntrospect changes by Christopher Bess

DCIntrospect concept and implementation originally created by Patrick Richards domesticcatsoftware.com