cbhacks / CrashEdit

Unofficial Crash Bandicoot 1/2/3 Level Editor
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This program is an application designed for modifying the game files of the original Crash Bandicoot video game trilogy.

This is the 2.0 version of the software. See README-CE2.md for the detailed readme on this updated version.

Supported Games

Note that CrashEdit does not work directly with ISO's, but rather with the NSF/NSD files stored on the game discs.


For users acquainted with Microsoft Windows, "directories" are commonly referred to as "folders" on windows. When the term "directory" is used here, think "folder".

Some basic knowledge of how Crash Bandicoot game files are laid out is necessary to use this application. CrashEdit is not designed to work directly on disc images (aka ISO's), but instead on files with the "NSF" and "NSD" file format. This is a custom format created by Naughty Dog and used in the original Crash Bandicoot trilogy (not including CTR).

First, a Crash Bandicoot game CD will have a root directory with contents similar to the following:

Within the S0/S1/etc directories you will find files named similar to the following:

Notice how each filename has an NSD/NSF pair. Each pair corresponds to a specific level in the game, and these files contain the game data for that level. The last two characters before the .NSD or .NSF extension are the "level ID" for that specific level. As an example, the level titled The Lost City has the level ID 20, and its file pair is the following, found in the S2 directory:

A complete list of level ID's and their associated levels can be found here:


The NSF file contains the actual game data for the level and is what CrashEdit is designed to read and manipulate. An NSF file consists of entries. Each entry has a 5-character name, and represents a game asset such as a sound effect or 3D model. The fifth character must match the character expected for an entry of that type. For example, animation entries must end in V and GOOL entries must end in C. The following entry types are recognized and supported by CrashEdit:

Entries are organized into containers which are referred to as chunks. Each chunk is exactly 64 KB in size, and so it cannot contain more than 64 KB of entry data. (If you attempt to save an NSF file which has a chunk containing more than 64 KB of entry data, a packing error will occur and the save operation will fail.) There are different types of chunks: the normal type and special audio types. (As a general rule, you should keep audio-related entries in their proper chunk types or else the playstation will be unhappy.) There is also a special chunk type, Texture Chunk, which contains raw texture data instead of entries.

The NSD file contains various data used to assist the game in properly accessing the NSF files. Included in the NSD file is a table mapping entries to chunks. If you add chunks, delete chunks, add entries, delete entries, move entries, rename entries, or reorder chunks, you will need to update this table. CrashEdit can automatically patch this table with the Patch NSD button. _It will remove any and all prelude data.__

System Requirements

Aside from the obvious monitor, keyboard, and mouse. A mouse scroll wheel is not required, but is used to control the 3D viewers.

Known Issues

Incomplete Features

Significant Issues

Insignificant Issues

These issues have no significant effect on the operation of the program, but are still technically issues with the program. This list can be safely ignored by most users.


Broken Game Files


Just unzip into a directory and run the exe.

If you are working with the source code, it is a VS 2022 solution which consists of four projects, "CrashEdit", "Crash.UI", "CrashEdit.Main", "CrashHacks", "ISO2PSX" and "FTBitmapExtensions". You will need to set "CrashEdit" as the startup project to run the application. "CrashHacks" is a separate application not documented on this repo and not used by CrashEdit itself.

Where To Get

Precompiled binary files (EXE files) are available at: http://www.cbhacks.com/crashedit.html

The original source code is currently available as a git repository on github at:
https://github.com/cbhacks/CrashEdit/tree/deprecate (deprecate branch)