cblanquera / mintpress

Implementation of ERC721 with Multi Class support
MIT License
2 stars 1 forks source link


ERC721 NFT for everything. Compatible is Rarible, Mintable, OpenSea. Can be deployed onto any Ethreum Layer 2 including Polygon and Binance Smart Chain.


$ npm i mintpress --save 


Once installed, you can use the contracts in the library by importing them:

pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

import "mintpress/contracts/Mintpress.sol";

contract MyCollectible is Mintpress {
    constructor() Mintpress(
    ) {

If you're new to smart contract development, head to Open Zeppelin's guide to Developing Smart Contracts to learn about creating a new project and compiling your contracts.

Making or Integration with a Project

  1. You may want to install the following as dev dependencies.
  "@nomiclabs/hardhat-ethers": "^2.0.2",
  "@nomiclabs/hardhat-waffle": "^2.0.1",
  "chai": "^4.3.4",
  "eslint": "7.30.0",
  "eslint-config-next": "11.0.1",
  "eth-gas-reporter": "git+https://github.com/lucaperret/eth-gas-reporter#6ac872b599adcaa8aab40808576e769c6872eb38",
  "ethereum-waffle": "3.4.0",
  "ethers": "5.4.1",
  "hardhat": "2.4.3",
  "hardhat-gas-reporter": "^1.0.4"

see: https://github.com/cblanquera/mintpress/blob/main/package.json#L25-L36 for an updated list.

  1. Create a hardhat.config.js

You can copy the one from this project. https://github.com/cblanquera/mintpress/blob/main/hardhat.config.js

  1. Create a .env file
# used to configure the code based on network see: hardhat.config.js

# coin market cap key to estimate the gas cost in unit tests

# localhost settings

# mumbai testnet settings

# ropsten testnet settings

# binance testnet settings (ETH)

The NETWORK is relative to the network names found in your hardhat.config.js.

For all the *_CONTRACT_ADDRESS, you can leave these blank. You can use these whenever you decide to deploy a smart contract and get the contract address.

For all the *_PRIVATE_KEY, you should use a private key from a test wallet. (Don't use a real one until your ready to make it live)

For the CMC_KEY you can get that from https://pro.coinmarketcap.com/ . This is used for the gas reporting.


The following covers the methods defined in this contract.

Deploy to Blockchain

//load the factory
const NFT = await ethers.getContractFactory('Mintpress')
//deploy the contract
const nft = await NFT.deploy(
  'Your Project Title', 
//wait for it to be confirmed
await nft.deployed()

console.log('Contract deployed to:', nft.address)

Contract Owner Actions

Only the contract owner can do the following actions. These are included in the project's API.


Registers a new classId with max token assignment size that references a uri.

A class ID does not need to be registered to use it in other methods.

register(uint256 classId, uint256 size, string memory uri)

await nft.register(100, 200, 'ipfs://abc123')

Sets a fee that will be paid to the recipient when a token in a classId is exchanged.

allocate(uint256 classId, address recipient, uint256 fee)

await nft.allocate(100, '0xabc123', 1000) // 1000 is 10.00%

Removes a recipient from the fee table of a classId.

deallocate(uint256 classId, address recipient)

await nft.deallocate(100, '0xabc123')

Mints tokenId, classifies it as classId and transfers to recipient.

mint(uint256 classId, uint256 tokenId, address recipient)

await nft.mint(100, 200 '0xabc123')

Pauses all token transfers.


await nft.pause()

Unpauses all token transfers.


await nft.unpause()

Token Owner Actions

Only the token owner can do the following actions. These are not included in the project's API and should be implemented on the client side.


Burns a token.

burn(uint256 tokenId)

await nft.burn(1)

Lists tokenId on the order book for amount in wei.

list(uint256 tokenId, uint256 amount)

await nft.list(200, ethers.utils.parseEther('1.5'))

Removes tokenId from the order book.

delist(uint256 tokenId)

await nft.delist(200)

Public Actions

Anyone can do the following actions. These are not included in the project's API and should be implemented on the client side.

Lazy Mint

Allows anyone to mint a token

lazyMint(uint256 classId, uint256 tokenId, address recipient, bytes proof)

await nft.lazyMint(100, 200, '0xabc123', '0xabc123')

Allows for a sender to exchange tokenId for the listed amount

exchange(uint256 tokenId) payable

await nft.delist(200)

Read Only Methods

Anyone can retrieve the following information from the contract.

Get a Token's Class

Returns the class given tokenId

classOf(uint256 tokenId)

await nft.classOf(200) //--> 100
Get a Token Class' Reference

Returns the data of classId

classURI(uint256 classId)

await nft.referenceOf(100) //--> ipfs://abc123
Get a Token Class' Max Size

Returns the total possible supply size of classId

classSize(uint256 classId)

await nft.classSize(100) //--> 1000
Check if a Token Class is Full

Returns true if classId supply and size are equal

classFilled(uint256 classId)

await nft.classFilled(100) //--> 1000
Check How Many Tokens Are in a Token Class

Returns the current supply size of classId

classSupply(uint256 classId)

await nft.classSupply(100) //--> 1000
Get the Fee of a Person

Returns the fee of a recipient in classId

classFeeOf(uint256 classId, address recipient)

await nft.classFeeOf(100, '0x63FC745B5309cE72921ED6dF48D4eAdddEB55f27') //--> 1000 (10.00%)
Get the Total Fees of a Token Class

Returns the fee of a recipient in classId

classFees(uint256 classId)

await nft.classFees(100) //--> 1500 (15.00%)
Get a Token's Listing Price

Returns the amount (in wei) a tokenId is being offered for.

listingOf(uint256 tokenId)

await nft.listingOf(200) //--> 1.5 ether


Before submitting pull requests please agree to the following principles.

I Agree

  1. Clone the repo from https://github.com/cblanquera/mintpress
$ cp .env.sample to .env
$ npm install

For the .env file:

The NETWORK is relative to the network names found in your hardhat.config.js.

For all the *_CONTRACT_ADDRESS, you can leave these blank. You can use these whenever you decide to deploy a smart contract and get the contract address.

For all the *_PRIVATE_KEY, you should use a private key from a test wallet. (Don't use a real one until your ready to make it live)

For the CMC_KEY you can get that from https://pro.coinmarketcap.com/ . This is used for the gas reporting.

  1. Setup Development Test Wallet

Switch your MetaMask to Ropsten network and get some ETH from the faucet.

For MATIC theres only one place, https://faucet.matic.network/. Make sure you choose mumbai from the options.

NOTE: You could be waiting between 10 to 30 minutes...

  1. Unit Testing

Make sure in .env, change NETWORK to hardhat.

$ npm test

After running the tests you should see a gas chart. The last table below shows the estimated gas fees for running each function.

|      Solc version: 0.8.9       ·  Optimizer enabled: true  ·  Runs: 200  ·  Block limit: 12450000 gas  │
|  Methods                       ·              200 gwei/gas               ·       4563.48 usd/eth       │
|  Contract   ·  Method          ·  Min        ·  Max        ·  Avg        ·  # calls      ·  usd (avg)  │
|  Mintpress  ·  allocate        ·      36422  ·     114186  ·      90340  ·            9  ·      82.45  │
|  Mintpress  ·  deallocate      ·          -  ·          -  ·      25136  ·            1  ·      22.94  │
|  Mintpress  ·  delist          ·          -  ·          -  ·      15517  ·            1  ·      14.16  │
|  Mintpress  ·  exchange        ·      56937  ·     100907  ·      71594  ·            3  ·      65.34  │
|  Mintpress  ·  lazyMint        ·      97947  ·     151764  ·     112037  ·            4  ·     102.26  │
|  Mintpress  ·  list            ·          -  ·          -  ·      48178  ·            4  ·      43.97  │
|  Mintpress  ·  mint            ·      94623  ·     145923  ·     138594  ·            7  ·     126.49  │
|  Mintpress  ·  register        ·      47719  ·      70006  ·      67980  ·           11  ·      62.05  │
|  Deployments                   ·                                         ·  % of limit   ·             │
|  Mintpress                     ·          -  ·          -  ·    3302492  ·       26.5 %  ·    3014.17  │
  1. Developing on a Local Host Node

Make sure in .env, change NETWORK to localhost. Then run the ethereum node server in a separate terminal with the following command.

$ npx hardhat node

Started HTTP and WebSocket JSON-RPC server at

Next run the following script to deploy the contract to your local node and pre-populate the storage.

$ npx hardhat run scripts/deploy-populate-script.js --network localhost

NFT contract deployed to (update .env): 0xCONTRACT_ADDRESS

Token Classes:

 - Class 1 has a limit of 10 tokens
 - Class 2 has a limit of 3 tokens


 - 0xWALLET_ADDRESS_1 wants 20% of class 1
 - 0xWALLET_ADDRESS_2 wants 10% of class 1

Minted Tokens:

 - 0xWALLET_ADDRESS_3 owns token 1 in class 1
 - 0xWALLET_ADDRESS_4 owns token 2 in class 1
 - 0xWALLET_ADDRESS_3 owns token 3 in class 2
 - 0xWALLET_ADDRESS_4 owns token 4 in class 2

Air Drops:

 - 0xWALLET_ADDRESS_3 can redeem token 5 in class 1
 - 0xWALLET_ADDRESS_4 can redeem token 6 in class 1

Order Book:

 - 0xWALLET_ADDRESS_3 listed token 1 for sale for 0.001 ETH/MATIC

Lastly, copy the contract hash found in the results given after running npx hardhat run scripts/deploy-populate-script.js --network localhost and paste it in .env. Lastly run the following command.

$ npm run dev
  1. Developing on Polygon MATIC TestNet

Make sure in .env, change NETWORK to mumbai.

Next run the following script to deploy the contract to your local node and pre-populate the storage.

$ npx hardhat run scripts/deploy-script.js --network localhost

Lastly run the following command.

$ npm run dev