cbmarcum / skeletor

A simple project creation tool that uses packaged project templates.
Apache License 2.0
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Skeletor Project Creation Tool

Skeletor is a fork of the popular Lazybones project created by Peter Ledbrook. Though unmaintained for some time, Lazybones continued to be used by other projects as a means to generate project layouts from templates and it was distributed on SDKMAN which made it more convenient to install and use. This came to an end with the shutdown of Bintray. in May 2021. Since this is where the application binaries and "built-in" templates lived, SDKMAN stopped distribution as the binaries were no longer available.

We will continue to refer to the templates as Lazybones templates because so many projects have been created from them and that is how they are best known. The template structure has not been changed, except to add a description file, so we see no reason to rebrand what the templates are called.

Our goal is to get Skeletor updated and distributed on SDKMAN. As that is not the case yet, We'll document the manual installation process as well.

The big changes from Lazybones are:

  1. The new project name and the application command are both now 'skeletor'.
  2. The user profile directory for configurations and template cache is now $USER_HOME/.skeletor
  3. Bintray repositories are no longer available. Eventually this configuration will be removed.
  4. A new URL based simple repository has been implemented that supports listing and creating projects from it. Publishing to the simple repository is not yet implemented but only require copying the created published manifest file and the template packages to your URL repository.

Existing Lazybones templates should still work if moved to a URL repository as described below.

The tool is very simple: it allows you to create a new project structure for any framework or library for which the tool has a template.

The concept of Skeletor is very similar to Maven archetypes, and what Yeoman does for web applications. Skeletor also includes a subtemplates feature that resembles the behavior of Yeoman's sub-generators, allowing you to generate optional extras (controllers, scaffolding etc.) inside a project.

Skeletor Developer

Skeletor Contributors

Lazybones Developers

Lazybones Contributors

Running Skeletor

Grab the distribution from our JFrog repo or use curl:

curl -o skeletor-<version>.zip -L https://codebuilders.jfrog.io/artifactory/generic/skeletor-app/<version>/skeletor-<version>.zip

Unpack it to a local directory, and then add its 'bin' directory to your PATH environment variable.

Finding Available Templates

To see what templates you can install, run

skeletor list

This will list all aliases and remote templates. If you want to see what templates you have cached locally, run

skeletor list --cached

In fact, --cached is implied if Lazybones can't connect to the internet.


skeletor list

Available templates in https://codebuilders.jfrog.io/artifactory/generic/skeletor-templates


You can also find out more about a template through the info command:

skeletor info <template name>

This will print a description of the template and what versions are available for it. If you're offline, this will simply display an error message.


skeletor info aoo-client

Fetching package information for 'aoo-client' from repo
Name:        aoo-client
Latest:      0.3.0
Description: Apache OpenOffice Client Template for Groovy
Owner:       Code Builders, LLC
Versions:    0.3.0

More information at https://codebuilders.jfrog.io/artifactory/generic/skeletor-templates

Creating Projects

To create a new project, run

skeletor create <template name> <template version> <target directory>

So if you wanted to create a skeleton Apache OpenOffice Client project in a new 'my-aoo-client-app' directory you would run

skeletor create aoo-client 0.3.0 my-aoo-client-app

The version is optional and if you leave it out, Skeletor will install the latest version of the template it can find.

The default templates are listed from Code Builders, LLC's Artifactory account hosted by JFrog at https://codebuilders.jfrog.io/artifactory/generic/skeletor-templates. Skeletor searches for templates at this URL by default, but you can use other URL repositories by adding some configuration. See the Custom Repositories section under Configuration later in this document.

You're not limited to only the default repository as you can install templates directly from a URL also:

skeletor create https://codebuilders.jfrog.io/artifactory/generic/skeletor-templates/aoo-client-0.3.0.zip my-aoo-client-app

Of course, it can be pretty laborious copying and pasting URLs around, so Skeletor allows you to configure aliases for URLs that you use frequently. By adding the following configuration to your Skeletor settings file, ~/.skeletor/config.groovy (see below for more details on this), you can install the template by name:

templates {
    mappings {
        myTmpl = "https://codebuilders.jfrog.io/artifactory/generic/skeletor-templates/aoo-client-0.3.0.zip"

In other words, you could now run

skeletor create myTmpl my-app

Note that when using the URL option, there is no need to specify a version. You should also be aware that mappings take precedence, i.e. if a mapping has the same name as an existing template, the mapping is used. This essentially creates a simple override mechanism.

There is just one more thing to say about the create command: by default it creates the specified directory and puts the initial project in there. If you want to unpack a template in the current directory instead, for example if you have already created the project directory, then just pass '.' as the directory:

skeletor create ratpack .

Once you have created a new project from a template, you may notice that the project directory contains a .lazybones sub-directory. You may delete this, but then you won't be able to use the generate command (see next section) if the project template has support for it.

Many project templates request information from you, such as a project name, a group ID, a default package, etc. If this is the umpteenth time you have created a project from a given template, then answering the questions can become tedious. There is also the problem of scripting and automation when you want to create a project without user intervention. The solution to both these issues is to pass the values on the command line:

skeletor create ratpack 1.2.0 ratapp -Pgroup=org.example -Ppackage=org.example.myapp

The -P option allows you to pass property values into the project templates without user intervention. The key is to know what the property names are, and that comes down to the project template. At the moment, the best way to find out what those properties are is to look at the post-install script itself.

The last option to mention is --with-git which will automatically create a new git repository in the project directory. The only requirement is that you have the git command on your path.


Project templates can incorporate subtemplates. Imagine that you have just created a new web application project from a template and that template documents that you can create new controllers using a sub- template named controller. To use it, just cd into the project directory and run

skeletor generate controller

This will probably ask you for the name of the controller and its package before generating the corresponding controller file in your project. You can reuse the command to create as many controllers as you need.

As with the create command, you can also pass in property values on the command line if the subtemplate is parameterised:

skeletor generate controller -Ppackage=org.example.myapp -Pclass=Book

The last option available to you as a user is template qualifiers. These only work if the subtemplate supports them, but they allow you to pass additional information in a concise way:

skeletor generate artifact::controller

In this case, the template name is artifact, but we have qualified it with an extra controller. You can pass in as many qualifiers as you want, you just separate them with ::.

Note that you do not specify a version with the generate command. This is because the subtemplates are embedded directly in the project template, and so there can only be one version available to you.


Skeletor will run out of the box without any extra configuration, but the tool does allow you to override the default behaviour via a fixed set of configuration options. These options can be provided in a number of ways following a set order of precedence:

  1. System properties of the form lazybones.*, which can be passed into the app via either JAVA_OPTS or LAZYBONES_OPTS environment variables. For example:

    env JAVA_OPTS="-Dlazybones.config.file=/path/to/my-custom-default-config.groovy" lazybones ...

Highest precedence, i.e. it overrides all other sources of setting data.

  1. User configuration file in $USER_HOME/.skeletor/config.groovy. This is parsed using Groovy's ConfigSlurper, so if you're familiar with that syntax you'll be right at home. Otherwise, just see the examples below.

  2. A JSON configuration file in $USER_HOME/.skeletor/managed-config.groovy that is used by the config commands. You can edit it this as well.

  3. A Groovy-based default configuration file that is provided by the application itself, but you can specify an alternative file via the lazybones.config.file system property.

Skeletor also provides a convenient mechanism for setting and removing options via the command line: the config command.

Command Line Configuration

The config command provides several sub-commands that allow you to interact with the persisted Skeletor configuration; specifically, the JSON config file. You run a sub-command via

skeletor config <sub-cmd> <args>

where <sub-cmd> is one of:

So what configuration settings are you likely to customise?

Custom Repositories

Skeletor will by default download the templates from a specific repository as mentioned in the Creating Projects section. If you want to host template packages in a different repository you can add it to Skeletor's search path via the simpleRepositories setting as a comma seperated list in $HOME/.skeletor/config.groovy:

simpleRepositories = [

Or in $HOME/.skeletor/managed-config.json:

    "simpleRepositories": [

To add a simple repository listing to the managed configuration file:

skeletor config add simpleRepositories "https://your.domain.tld/repo-dir"

This will also create the file if it doesn't exist yet.

If a template exists in more than one repository, it will be downloaded from the first repository in the list that it appears in.

Repository Manifest

Where Lazybones used web services to list and create projects from templates stored on Bintray, Skeletor uses a simple skeletor-manifest.txt file located in the repository to provide the necessary information. This file is in the CSV format.

aoo-addin-java-template,0.3.0,"Code Builders, LLC","Apache OpenOffice Add-In Template for Java"
aoo-addin-template,0.3.0,"Code Builders, LLC","Apache OpenOffice Add-In Template for Groovy"
aoo-addon-java-template,0.3.0,"Code Builders, LLC","Apache OpenOffice Add-On Template for Java"
aoo-addon-template,0.3.0,"Code Builders, LLC","Apache OpenOffice Add-On Template for Groovy"
aoo-client-template,0.3.0,"Code Builders, LLC","Apache OpenOffice Client Template for Groovy"

Note that the template name has a -template suffix. The zip file packages have a similar format of <name>-template-<version>.zip

When listing or creating projects from templates the -template is omitted. It is also removed from the zip file name when it is copied into the local cache directory when first used.

Package Aliases

If you regularly use a template at a specific URL rather than from the default or configured repository, then you will want to alias that URL to a name. That's where template mappings (or aliases) come in. The aliases are defined as normal settings of the form

templates.mappings.<alias> = <url>

In a Groovy configuration file, you can define multiple aliases in a block:

templates {
    mappings {
        test = "http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/29802534/custom-ratpack.zip"
        after = "file:///var/tmp/afterburnerfx-2.0.0.zip"

Alternatively, add them from the command line like this:

skeletor config set templates.mappings.after file:///var/tmp/afterburnerfx-2.0.0.zip

The aliases will always be available to you until you remove them from the persisted configuration.

Setting a Proxy (and other system properties)

Many people have to work behind a proxy, one way to do it is to add the relevant system properties to a JAVA_OPTS environment variable. There is also another option.

Skeletor has borrowed the idea of having a special form of configuration option for system properties from Gradle. So if you define a property with a systemProp. prefix, it will be added as a system property internally. So to configure an HTTP proxy, you only need to add the following to your Skeletor configuration:

systemProp {
    http {
        proxyHost = "localhost"
        proxyPort = 8181
    https {
        proxyHost = "localhost"
        proxyPort = 8181

To avoid potential configuration issues, use the same proxy settings for HTTP and HTTPS if possible.

If your proxy requires authentication, you will need to add a couple of extra properties:

systemProp {
    http {
        proxyUser = "johndoe"
        proxyPassword = "mypassword"

As with the host and port, there are https variants of the username and password as well.

General Options

These are miscellaneous options that can be overridden on the command line:

// <-- This starts a line comment
// Set logging level - overridden by command line args
options.logLevel = "SEVERE"

The logging level can either be overridden using the same logLevel setting:

skeletor --logLevel SEVERE info aoo-addin

or via --verbose, --quiet, and --info options:

skeletor --verbose info aoo-addin

The logging level can be one of:


This project is split into three parts:

  1. The Skeletor command line tool
  2. The Skeletor Gradle plugin
  3. The project templates

Command Line Tool

The command line tool is created via Gradle's application plugin. The main class is uk.co.cacoethes.lazybones.LazyBonesMain, which currently implements all the sub-commands (create, list, etc.) as command classes.

The main class plus everything else under src/main is packaged into a skeletor-app-<version>.jar that is included in the distribution zip. The Gradle application plugin generates a skeletor shell script and a skeletor.bat script that then runs the main class with all required dependencies on the classpath.

To build the distribution, from the skeletor project top level directory simply run:

./gradlew distZip

You will find the application packaged in build/distributions/skeletor-<version>.zip

Unpack the zip file contents to anywhere you keep such applications and add the bin subdirectory to your system path to get the skeletor command.
The $HOME/.skeletor profile directory will be created after the first create or config command is ran.

Skeletor Gradle Plugin

The Skeletor Gradle plugin has its own README.md in lazybones-gradle-plugin

Lazybones Project Templates

The project templates are simply directory structures with whatever files in them that you want. Ultimately, the template project directories will be zipped up and placed in a repository which is a directory at a URL (file or http(s)) that contains a skeletor-manifest.txt with entries for each template version available. From there, Skeletor downloads the zips on demand and caches them in a local user directory (currently $HOME/.skeletor/templates).

If you want empty directories to form part of the project template, then simply add an empty .retain file to each one. When the template archive is created, any .retain files are filtered out (but the containing directories are included).

Publishing templates previously included uploading the templates to your Bintray account. Since Bintray is no longer available, Skeletor has replaced this with creating a manifest file that contains the template metadata needed by the command line application for listing template information. This manifest file along with the template packages form a Simple URL based repository.

To publish a template contained in a template project created from the lazybones-project template, simply run this from the directory with the build.gradle file. Usually right above the templates directory that contains the templates which are the sub-directories.

./gradlew publishTemplate<TemplateName>

For core templates in this project, run from the Skeletor project root directory and include the lazybones-templates` sub-project:

./gradlew :lazybones-templates:publishTemplate<TemplateName>

The name of the project template comes from the containing directory, which is assumed to be lowercase hyphenated. The template name is the equivalent camel case form. So the template directory structure in templates/my-template results in a template called 'MyTemplate', which can be published with:

./gradlew publishTemplateMyTemplate

The project template archive will be created in the build directory with the name <template name>-template-<version>.zip. See the small section below on how the template version is derived.

You can also publish all the templates in one fell swoop:

./gradlew publishAllTemplates

The manifest file skeletor-manifest.txt is just a CSV formatted text file with a header and entries for each template version you want to make available for Skeletor like:

aoo-addin-java-template,0.3.0,"Code Builders, LLC","Apache OpenOffice Add-In Template for Java"
aoo-addin-template,0.3.0,"Code Builders, LLC","Apache OpenOffice Add-In Template for Groovy"
aoo-addon-java-template,0.3.0,"Code Builders, LLC","Apache OpenOffice Add-On Template for Java"
aoo-addon-template,0.3.0,"Code Builders, LLC","Apache OpenOffice Add-On Template for Groovy"
aoo-client-template,0.3.0,"Code Builders, LLC","Apache OpenOffice Client Template for Groovy"

The template packages and manifest are output to the build/packages. Then you need to place the manifest and template zip files at the URL you use for your repository.

If you only want to create the packages without the manifest file you can use the package tasks

./gradlew packageTemplate<TemplateName>


./gradlew packageAllTemplates

If you don't want to publish your template at a URL you can install it locally using the installTemplate rule.

 ./gradlew installTemplate<TemplateName>

This will install the template to $HOME/.skeletor/templates so that you can use it without moving it to a URL first. To list them you will need to use the skeletor list --cached command since they are not in a repository also.

And that's it for the project templates.

Template Versions

You define the version of a template by putting a VERSION file in the root directory of the template that contains just the version number. For example, you specify a version of 1.2.8 for the my-template template by adding the file templates/my-template/VERSION with the contents


Template Description

Skeletor requires a DESCRIPTION file that contains a description for the template.

A project for managing Lazybones project templates.

That's it! The VERSION and DESCRIPTION files will automatically be excluded from the project template archive.

Contributing Templates

Read the Template Developers Guide for information on how to create and publish project templates.