cbmi-group / IsoVEM

IsoVEM: Accurate and Robust Isotropic Reconstruction for Volume Electron Microscopy Using a Video Transformer
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IsoVEM: Accurate and Robust Isotropic Reconstruction for Volume Electron Microscopy Using a Video Transformer

This repository IsoVEM is the official implementation of our paper "Accurate and Robust Isotropic Reconstruction for Volume Electron Microscopy Using a Video Transformer", previously submitted on the bioRxiv website (https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2023.11.22.567807v3).

IsoVEM is a deep learning-based method for robust high-resolution high-fidelity isotropic reconstruction of vEM images. It utilizes a video Transformer to capture and maintain long-distance cross-slice structural continuity, achieving stable and accurate isotropic reconstruction even under very high anisotropy. It is self-supervised so that no prior isotropic training data is required. It can be configured to repair slice defects jointly with isotropic reconstruction for real-world applications. IsoVEM has excellent generalization capability and outperforms competing state-of-the-art methods on five datasets of four vEM modalities. It is provided in open source with a user-friendly interface to support applications of different vEM modalities.


1. Install dependencies

The conda environment must be set up. Please visit the official website and follow their instructions for anadonda installation: https://www.anaconda.com/

We recommend the following demand to install all of the dependencies. The critical dependencies are python 3.8.3, pytorch 1.8.1 and CUDA 11.1.

$ conda create -n isovem python=3.8.3
$ conda activate isovem
$ git clone https://github.com/cbmi-group/IsoVEM.git
$ cd IsoVEM
$ pip install torch==1.8.1+cu111 torchvision==0.9.1+cu111 torchaudio===0.8.1 pytorch_msssim==1.0.0 -f https://download.pytorch.org/whl/torch_stable.html
$ pip install -i https://pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple -r requirements.txt

The typical installation time for these packages is within half an hour.

2. Model Training

The predefined config files are provided in configs/demo_train.json (isotropic super-resolution) and configs/demo_train_inpaint.json (joint isotropic super-resolution and slice recovery). You can also define a new config file as needed.

The meaning of each argument has been annotated as follows:

"train_data_pth":"data/demo.tif" # str, input anisotropic data path. tif or h5 is supported.default "data/demo.tif".
"train_output_dir":"train" # str, output work dir, including /ckpt, /tblogger, /visuals, etc. default "train".
"train_data_split":0.7 # float from 0-1, the percent of training data in the input data. default 0.7.
"train_upscale":8 # int, scale factor during training, supporting 8 and 10 now. default 8.
"train_inpaint":false # bool, whether model learning slice inpainting jointly, default False.
"train_epoch":200 # int, number of training epoch, default 200.
"train_bs":2 # int, batch size for training, default 2.
"train_lr":1e-3 # float, learning rate for training, default 1e-3.
"train_ckpt_interval":1 # int, epoch interval for saving checkpoints, default 1.
"train_is_resume":false # bool, whether training model from a pretrained checkpoint. defaule False.
"train_resume_ckpt_path":null # str, training model from resume checkpoint. default null.
"train_gpu_ids":"0" # str, ids of available gpu card. supporting single card now. default "0".

Launch model training supports two methods: one is the command line, and the other is GUI.

(1) Command line:

Isotropic reconstruction training without slice inpainting:

python train.py --train_config_path configs/demo_train.json

Isotropic reconstruction training with slice inpainting:

python train.py --train_config_path configs/demo_train_inpaint.json

(2) GUI: Launch the GUI interface:

python main.py

Then go to the "Training" part, and press "Load configs" button to load the predefined config files configs/demo_train.json or configs/demo_train_inpaint.json. To customize the configuration, fill in the fields above the "Load configs" button to generate and save a new configuration file.


After that, press "Training" button to begin model training. The interface will show the training process on the command line and the training loss plot. During training, it will generate the following files in the working directory.

If the training loss converges, press the "Stop" button to terminate the training process. You can observe training loss in three ways: GUI, tensorboard, and "loss_metric.csv" file. Note that "loss_metric.csv" has 6 colums, #0-train loss, #1-train l1 loss, #2-train ssim loss, #3-null,#4-validation ssim, #5-validation psnr.

Training the model with batch size=2 on graphics cards ranging from 12GB to 24GB is usually recommended. If running on graphics cards smaller than 12GB, consider reducing the batch size=1. The typical training time for demo data costs several hours.

3. Model Testing

The predefined config files are provided in configs/demo_test.json (isotropic super-resolution) and configs/demo_test_inpaint.json (joint isotropic super-resolution and slice recovery). You can also define a new config file as needed.

The meaning of each argument has been annotated as follows:

"test_data_pth": "data/demo.tif"  # str, input anisotropic data path.
"test_ckpt_path": "train/checkpoint/model_epoch_1.pth"  # str, pretrained model path for testing.
"test_output_dir": "test" # str, output work dir, including /result, etc.
"test_upscale": 8  # int, scale factor during testing (it can be different from training phase), default 8.
"test_inpaint": true  # bool, whether perform inpainting during testing.
"test_inpaint_index":  [20,40] # list, the list of slice index (start from 0) along Z-axis to be inpainted. If no need for inpainting, set []. default [].
"test_gpu_ids": "0" # str, ids of available gpu card. supporting single card now. default "0".

Launch model testing supports two methods: one is the command line, and the other is GUI.

(1) Command line:

Isotropic reconstruction predicting without slice inpainting:

python test.py --test_config_path configs/demo_test.json

Isotropic reconstruction predicting with slice inpainting:

python test.py --test_config_path configs/demo_test_inpaint.json

(2) GUI:

Launch the GUI interface:

python main.py

Then go to the "Predicting" part, and press "Load configs" button to load the predefined config files configs/demo_test.json or configs/demo_test_inpaint.json. To customize the configuration, fill in the fields above the "Load configs" button to generate and save a new configuration file.


After that, press "Predicting" button to begin model testing. The interface will show the inference process on the command line.

Testing the model is usually recommended running on graphics cards about 12GB. The typical testing time for demo data costs within 1 hour. Usually, the "inpainting" mode is slightly slower than the isotropic super solution mode because the additional slice recovery step.

4. Image Visualization

The GUI also provides a 3D vEM image visualization function. It is convenient to determine the slice index of the input data that needs to be inpainted. Besides, you can view the reconstruction results immediately after the reconstruction is finished, which can be overlayed with its uncertainty map.



1. Demo data

The demo data data/demo.tif are cropped from the public EPFL dataset under 8-fold simulated anisotropic degradation. The demo data data/demo_debris.tif are then randomly replaced slices into black to simulate slice debris.

2. Pretrained Checkpoint

We provide the pre-trained IsoVEM model weights of EPFL-8-IsoSR and EPFL-8-Inpaint at pretrain/EPFL_8_IsoSR_196.pth and pretrain/EPFL_8_Inpaint_206.pth respectively. They were trained on the public EPFL dataset under 8-fold simulated anisotropic degradation, respectively in isotropic super-resolution mode and joint slice inpainting mode.

3. Sperm Dataset

The vEM datasets used in our paper are mostly public (EPFL, Cremi, GrayMatter) except for one customized Sperm dataset. To promote research in the field of VEM, we released the Sperm dataset on the ZENODO website (https://zenodo.org/records/12748945).


The network code is based on VRT(Video Restoration Transformer) and its official implementation. We thank the authors for their work and for sharing the code.


If you find this repository useful in your research, please cite our paper:

@article {He2023.11.22.567807,
    author = {Jia He and Yan Zhang and Wenhao Sun and Ge Yang and Fei Sun},
    title = {IsoVEM: Isotropic Reconstruction for Volume Electron Microscopy Based on Transformer},
    elocation-id = {2023.11.22.567807},
    year = {2023},
    doi = {10.1101/2023.11.22.567807},
    publisher = {Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory},
    URL = {https://www.biorxiv.org/content/early/2023/12/27/2023.11.22.567807},
    eprint = {https://www.biorxiv.org/content/early/2023/12/27/2023.11.22.567807.full.pdf},
    journal = {bioRxiv}