cbrnix / Newaita

Linux icon theme
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Difficult to differentiate between answered and unanswered emails #190

Open montex opened 2 years ago

montex commented 2 years ago


I love your theme and I have been using it for a long time. That said, I find that it is very difficult to differentiate between read and answered emails in Evolution.

Other themes just use a left-pointing arrow for answered emails and an envelope for the others. When you receive tons of emails per day it is very useful to be able to tell quickly if you still need to answer or not. I was looking for other themes just to solve this issue which is quite annoying for me but... in the end I could not find a theme that I liked so much as this one :)

I am attaching a screenshot to explain the issue. From top, email number 4, 8, 14, and 15 have been answered, while the others are not. Of course there is some difference, but it is not so easy on the eyes. mail