cbrnix / Newaita

Linux icon theme
386 stars 16 forks source link



Newaita icon theme is licensed under the CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 Linux icon theme combining old style and color of material design.


Just extract Newaita/Newaita-dark to ~/.icons or ~/.local/share/icons or /usr/share/icons

Arch Linux

Arch Linux users can find Newaita under the name newaita-icons-git in the AUR: $ aurman -S newaita-icons-git

special thanks to btd1337 (https://github.com/btd1337)

Folders and panel variants:

To change the icon options for a dark or light panel:

  1. Go to Newaita (or Newaita-dark) directory
  2. Open terminal here
  3. Type: chmod +x ./PV.sh
  4. Type: ./PV.sh
  5. Follow the menu options

To change folders:

  1. Go to Newaita (or Newaita-dark) directory
  2. Open terminal here
  3. Type: chmod +x ./FV.sh
  4. Type: ./FV.sh
  5. Follow the menu options

Icon request:

If you urgently needed any icon, please write in the comments on the page https://store.kde.org/p/1243493/

