cbrnix / Newaita

Linux icon theme
386 stars 16 forks source link

elementary OS Support #23

Open btd1337 opened 5 years ago

btd1337 commented 5 years ago

@cbrnix Elementary OS is gaining many applications for your system. These use some elementary icons themselves.

The elementary ecosystem only has ePapirus as an alternative. I think you could provide support for these new programs.

To see the set of system icons, one of the developers created this application: https://github.com/danrabbit/lookbook

The elementary OS applications are stored here and the eOS icons are stored here.

Missing Icons










These need fix in the sizes: 16,24,32px

These need restyling to differentiate them

These need be created by default

elementary Theme harvey

Newaita Theme captura de tela de 2018-10-24 10-10-19

elementary Theme captura de tela de 2018-10-24 10-13-49

Newaita Theme captura de tela de 2018-10-24 10-13-00

cbrnix commented 5 years ago

Hmm ... Judging by what LookBook gives out, not much is required. Need to think.

btd1337 commented 5 years ago

@cbrnix I wrote the missing icons and added the post.

After that Newaita becomes a complete theme for the Pantheon Shell ecosystem.

cbrnix commented 5 years ago

At the moment I am preparing an update on actions. In any case, the work plan for RC 1.3 is now

cbrnix commented 5 years ago

These need fix in the sizes: 16,24,32px

what is wrong?

btd1337 commented 5 years ago

Apparently the size is bigger than it should.

captura de tela de 2018-11-16 09-45-39

captura de tela de 2018-11-16 09-46-35

cbrnix commented 5 years ago

The lookbook displays device and panel icons. For the device, the icons are colored, for the panel - monochrome. This is not a bug, just lookbook confuses them... network-wired now updated, but with the size, it seems, everything was fine.

geison-muniz commented 5 years ago

I have this same problem in Elementary OS Juno.

Would it be possible to add these missing icons to the theme?

erro tema

cbrnix commented 5 years ago

I have this same problem in Elementary OS Juno.

Would it be possible to add these missing icons to the theme?

I do not know which icon should be there, since I don’t have Elementary OS. Maybe you will make a screenshot with the theme where this icon is?

geison-muniz commented 5 years ago

Many elementary apps are already being released in the Gnome Software Center via Flatpack.

Missing icons are in almost every application developed for the elementary...

I believe that if you make these icons listed in this issue, the problem will be over.

btd1337 commented 5 years ago

Really this error occurs in almost every application for me as well.

captura de tela de 2018-12-02 16-11-09

cbrnix commented 5 years ago

At the weekend, demay, I will solve the problem... I think creating the 'notification-symbolic' icon will solve the problem.

cbrnix commented 5 years ago

Guys, lay out, please, a screenshot with a different theme of icons, where there is no such problem (if adding a notification icon did not help)

geison-muniz commented 5 years ago

Most of my apps are missing any icon.

elementary Code



geison-muniz commented 5 years ago


captura de tela de 2018-12-05 13-34-38

captura de tela de 2018-12-05 14-09-19

geison-muniz commented 5 years ago


captura de tela de 2018-12-05 13-54-32

captura de tela de 2018-12-05 13-42-03

captura de tela de 2018-12-05 13-42-46

captura de tela de 2018-12-05 14-13-53

geison-muniz commented 5 years ago


captura de tela de 2018-12-05 14-20-07

captura de tela de 2018-12-05 14-18-45

geison-muniz commented 5 years ago


captura de tela de 2018-12-05 13-44-46

captura de tela de 2018-12-05 14-17-43

cbrnix commented 5 years ago

Ahh, persuaded ... I installed EOS. I will add icons methodically

btd1337 commented 5 years ago

I think this you help you.



cbrnix commented 5 years ago

I think this you help you.



Many thanks!

cbrnix commented 5 years ago

Guys, do you think that can make the panel icons and actions just monochrome?

btd1337 commented 5 years ago

Where more precisely?

cbrnix commented 5 years ago

Where more precisely?

Everywhere. At the moment they are two and tricolor. It seemed to me that they look inappropriate

geison-muniz commented 5 years ago

I found the Formatter icon missing:

captura de tela de 2018-12-10 19-06-34

geison-muniz commented 5 years ago

I can confirm this icons are missing in system.

actions/view-more-horizontal-symbolic actions/view-paged-symbolic actions/view-pin-symbolic mimes/text-vnd-trolltech-linguist mimes/text-x-vala places/folder-tag places/folder-recent status/changes-allow status/locked status/symbolic/input-keyboard-capslock-symbolic status/view-private

geison-muniz commented 5 years ago

@cbrnix Can I made a donate for you on bountysource for this issue to be finish?

cbrnix commented 5 years ago

@cbrnix Can I made a donate on bountysource for this issue to be finish?

Do not waste money just like that. Over time, the icons will be completed.

geison-muniz commented 5 years ago

Oh, it would not be a waste at all.

The Newaita project is fantastic, and I want to be able to use it as the default theme.

Contributing to this issue being completed is a way to help.

cbrnix commented 5 years ago

Oh, it would not be a waste at all.

The Newaita project is fantastic, and I want to be able to use it as the default theme.

Contributing to this issue being completed is a way to help.

If you want to somehow mark your support, you can contribute to the purchase of coffee, using paypal XD

geison-muniz commented 5 years ago

Unfortunately I didn't have good Paypal experience and I canceled my account.

Is there any other way to make a donation?

Paying for tickets or something?

cbrnix commented 5 years ago

It seems that when you click on the donate button, payment options are offered, including from the card. To be honest, I did not invent any other ways. Still have Qiwi, but this is even less known outside the CIS :)

cbrnix commented 5 years ago

Guys! I had a breakdown with a new motherboard, I passed it in for repair. So while updates will be later. I will try to restore work on the old computer and continue

btd1337 commented 5 years ago

How unlucky! We wish your motherboard to return as soon as possible!

stelad000 commented 5 years ago

Any news about elementary support? Awesome work btw 🤓

cbrnix commented 5 years ago

Any news about elementary support? Awesome work btw nerd_face

A little later, begin to supplement the missing. It was necessary to reassure many who want to get everything at once XD

cbrnix commented 5 years ago

Guys! Now I deleted the old action symbolic and made a new one. For Elementary, there will most likely be some missing. I will try to finish them later.

stelad000 commented 5 years ago

the icon theme is great, but could you take another look in the elementary os support?

cbrnix commented 5 years ago

the icon theme is great, but could you take another look in the elementary os support?

Past experience with this DE has caused me pain below my back. While I am not ready to install and select icons. I'll do it a bit later. Please be patient

ripefig commented 5 years ago

I don't think icon themes will work with Elementary flatpacks, which is the only way to use their apps on mainstream desktops. So the gains of supporting Elementary are probably going to be very small.

cbrnix commented 5 years ago

flatpak is not the biggest Elementary issue. Each package has its own name and you just need to create a link. But her Actions icon is where the nightmare is. If in other DE the icons are monochrome, then in Elementary this part of the icons needs to be colored. This is a difficult dilemma

ripefig commented 5 years ago

@cbrnix No, what I mean is Elementary flatpaks hardcode the the platform theme and interface icons. You can change the app icon for the flatpak, and you can force a different GTK theme, but you can't change the UI icons inside flatpak (at least using conventional methods). So Elementary has locked down their apps to prevent theming.

As for monochrome/colored, I don't see why they need to be colored. Sure, Elementary says they should be colored but that's just their theme. Seems more logical to just use the same actions icons that you use for all other platforms.

btd1337 commented 5 years ago

@cbrnix Could you make the icon status/process-completed, please? It's missing in application Web Watcher:


Captura de tela de 2019-09-06 22-58-25



cbrnix commented 5 years ago

On Thursday I’ll do it and KDE