cca-io / bs-react-navigation

Reason bindings for react-navigation
MIT License
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bucklescript react react-navigation reason reasonml


Reason bindings to react-navigation.


Superseded by


Instantiate a navigation module with your screenProps type (

include ReactNavigation.Make({
  type screenProps = {
    "someProp": int,

A screen component with dynamic navigation options (

open ReactNative;
open Navigation;

let make = (~navigation, ~screenProps) => {
  <Text> {React.string("Hello world!")} </Text>,

make->setDynamicNavigationOptions(params => {
  let navigation = params##navigation;
  let navigationOptions = params##navigationOptions;
  let screenProps = params##screenProps;

  /* More properties can be set dynamically based on navigation, navigationOptions or screenProps. */
  NavigationOptions.t(~title="Screen 1", ~headerTintColor="red", ());

A stack navigator containing this screen (

open Navigation;

let routes = {
  "Screen1": Screen1.make,
  "Screen2": Screen2.make,
  "Screen3": Screen3.make,

let navigator = StackNavigator.make(routes);
navigator->setNavigationOptions(NavigationOptions.t(~gesturesEnabled=false, ()));

The main React component of the app (

open Navigation;

module AppContainer = (val makeAppContainer(MyStackNavigator.navigator));

let make = () => {
  let screenProps = {"someProp": 42};

  <AppContainer screenProps />;