cca / cca_invenio

CCA's InvenioRDM repository
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CCA InvenioRDM

CCA InvenioRDM instance. This is mostly a cookiecutter Invenio project with some custom settings and vocabularies. See our "notes" folder for further documentation.


Requires Docker, python, pipenv, node, and ImageMagick. invenio-cli check-requirements --development checks these requirements, see also our .tool-versions file. To install on an M2 Mac, additional packages are needed: brew install cairo libffi pkg-config. Finally, the invenio-saml module also requires brew install libxmlsec1.

Some fixtures are not checked into this repository. Build them with the tools in the cca/vault_migration repository and copy them here.

# in vault_migration
gsutil cp gs://BUCKET/employee_data.json employee_data.json
gsutil cp gs://BUCKET/student_data.json student_data.json
pipenv run python taxos/ employee_data.json student_data.json
INVENIO_REPO=/path/to/this/repo ./vocab/sync # copies updated vocabs to this repo

Then run the commands below from the root of this project to install the app:

pipx install invenio-cli # install invenio-cli globally (recommend using pipx instead of pip)
invenio-cli install --dev # creates the virtualenv, install dependencies, & some other setup
invenio-cli services setup --no-demo-data # sets up db, cache, search, task queue
invenio-cli run # runs the application

The services setup enqueues many tasks rather than completing them synchronously, so the first time you run the app it will take a while before setup is complete.

I've run into invenio-cli install build errors related to the cairo package, the errors say something like "no library called "cairo" was found" and "cannot load library 'libcairo.2.dylib'". I had cairo installed via homebrew, but the library wasn't in any of the directories that the build process was looking in. I fixed this with cp /opt/homebrew/Cellar/cairo/1.18.0/lib/libcairo.2.dylib /usr/local/lib/ (the path to the cairo library may be different on your system).


Following is an overview of the generated files and folders:

Name Description
Dockerfile Dockerfile used to build your application image.
Pipfile Python requirements installed via pipenv
Pipfile.lock Locked requirements (generated on first install).
app_data Application data such as vocabularies.
assets Web assets (CSS, JavaScript, LESS, JSX templates) used in the Webpack build.
docker Example configuration for NGINX, Postgres Admin, and uWSGI.
docker-compose.full.yml Example of a full infrastructure stack.
docker-compose.yml Backend services needed for local development.
docker-services.yml Common services for the Docker Compose files.
invenio.cfg Main configuration file.
logs Log files.
notes CCA's documentation on running & developing the app.
site Custom site code and modules.
static Static files that need to be served as-is (e.g. images).
templates Folder for your Jinja templates.
.invenio Common file used by Invenio-CLI to be version controlled.
.invenio.private Private file used by Invenio-CLI not version controlled.


To learn how to configure, customize, deploy and much more, visit the InvenioRDM Documentation.